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Testsets for testset tests (JuliaLang#24160)
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kshyatt authored and fredrikekre committed Oct 16, 2017
1 parent 894b650 commit eae7104
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 63 deletions.
130 changes: 67 additions & 63 deletions stdlib/Test/test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,26 +2,28 @@

using Test

# Test @test
@test true
@test 1 == 1
@test 1 != 2
@test ==(1, 1)
@test ==((1, 1)...)
@test 1 2 atol=1
@test strip("\t hi \n") == "hi"
@test strip("\t this should fail \n") != "hi"
@test isequal(1, 1)
@test isapprox(1, 1, atol=0.1)
@test isapprox(1, 1; atol=0.1)
@test isapprox(1, 1; [(:atol, 0)]...)

# @test keyword precedence: post-semicolon keyword, suffix keyword, pre-semicolon keyword
@test isapprox(1, 2, atol=0) atol=1
@test isapprox(1, 3, atol=0; atol=2) atol=1

# @test should only evaluate the arguments once
let g = Int[], f = (x) -> (push!(g, x); x)
@testset "@test" begin
@test true
@test 1 == 1
@test 1 != 2
@test ==(1, 1)
@test ==((1, 1)...)
@test 1 2 atol=1
@test strip("\t hi \n") == "hi"
@test strip("\t this should fail \n") != "hi"
@test isequal(1, 1)
@test isapprox(1, 1, atol=0.1)
@test isapprox(1, 1; atol=0.1)
@test isapprox(1, 1; [(:atol, 0)]...)
@testset "@test keyword precedence" begin
# post-semicolon keyword, suffix keyword, pre-semicolon keyword
@test isapprox(1, 2, atol=0) atol=1
@test isapprox(1, 3, atol=0; atol=2) atol=1
@testset "@test should only evaluate the arguments once" begin
g = Int[]
f = (x) -> (push!(g, x); x)
@test f(1) == 1
@test g == [1]

Expand All @@ -30,45 +32,47 @@ let g = Int[], f = (x) -> (push!(g, x); x)
@test g == [2]

# Test @test_broken with fail
@test_broken false
@test_broken 1 == 2
@test_broken 1 != 1
@test_broken strip("\t hi \n") != "hi"
@test_broken strip("\t this should fail \n") == "hi"
# Test @test_broken with errors
@test_broken error()
@test_broken absolute_nonsense

#Test @test_skip
@test_skip error()
@test_skip true
@test_skip false
@test_skip gobbeldygook

# Test @test_warn
@test 1234 === @test_nowarn(1234)
@test 5678 === @test_warn("WARNING: foo", begin warn("foo"); 5678; end)
let a
@test_throws UndefVarError(:a) a
@test_nowarn a = 1
@test a === 1

let a = Array{Float64, 5}(2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
@testset "@test_broken with fail" begin
@test_broken false
@test_broken 1 == 2
@test_broken 1 != 1
@test_broken strip("\t hi \n") != "hi"
@test_broken strip("\t this should fail \n") == "hi"
@testset "@test_broken with errors" begin
@test_broken error()
@test_broken absolute_nonsense
@testset "@test_skip" begin
@test_skip error()
@test_skip true
@test_skip false
@test_skip gobbeldygook
@testset "@test_warn" begin
@test 1234 === @test_nowarn(1234)
@test 5678 === @test_warn("WARNING: foo", begin warn("foo"); 5678; end)
let a
@test_throws UndefVarError(:a) a
@test_nowarn a = 1
@test a === 1
@testset "@test and elements of an array" begin
a = Array{Float64, 5}(2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
a[1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 10
@test a[1, 1, 1, 1, 1] == 10
@test a[1, 1, 1, 1, 1] != 2

@test rand() != rand()

# Pass - exception
@test endswith(sprint(show, @test_throws ErrorException error()),
"Thrown: ErrorException")
@test endswith(sprint(show, @test_throws ErrorException("test") error("test")),
"Thrown: ErrorException")

@testset "Pass - exception" begin
@test endswith(sprint(show, @test_throws ErrorException error()),
"Thrown: ErrorException")
@test endswith(sprint(show, @test_throws ErrorException("test") error("test")),
"Thrown: ErrorException")
# Test printing of Fail results
mutable struct NoThrowTestSet <: Test.AbstractTestSet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,8 +192,8 @@ let fails = @testset NoThrowTestSet begin

# Test printing of a TestSetException
let tse_str = sprint(show, Test.TestSetException(1, 2, 3, 4, Vector{Union{Test.Error, Test.Fail}}()))
@testset "printing of a TestSetException" begin
tse_str = sprint(show, Test.TestSetException(1, 2, 3, 4, Vector{Union{Test.Error, Test.Fail}}()))
@test contains(tse_str, "1 passed")
@test contains(tse_str, "2 failed")
@test contains(tse_str, "3 errored")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,13 +508,13 @@ end
@test @inferred inferred_test_function()
@test inferred_test_global == 1

# Test that @inferred works with A[i] expressions
@test @inferred((1:3)[2]) == 2
struct SillyArray <: AbstractArray{Float64,1} end
Base.getindex(a::SillyArray, i) = rand() > 0.5 ? 0 : false
test_result = @test_throws ErrorException @inferred(SillyArray()[2])
@test contains(test_result.value.msg, "Bool")

@testset "@inferred works with A[i] expressions" begin
@test @inferred((1:3)[2]) == 2
test_result = @test_throws ErrorException @inferred(SillyArray()[2])
@test contains(test_result.value.msg, "Bool")
# Issue #14928
# Make sure abstract error type works.
@test_throws Exception error("")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,8 +563,8 @@ let io = IOBuffer()
@test !contains(String(take!(io)), "backtrace()")

# 19750
let io = IOBuffer()
@testset "#19750" begin
io = IOBuffer()
exc = Test.TestSetException(1,2,3,4,Vector{Union{Test.Error, Test.Fail}}())
Base.showerror(io, exc, backtrace())
@test !contains(String(take!(io)), "backtrace()")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,8 +612,8 @@ Test.print_test_results(Test.DefaultTestSet(""))'`), stderr=DevNull), String), "

@test msg == rstrip(msg)

# test guarded srand
let seed = rand(UInt)
@testset "test guarded srand" begin
seed = rand(UInt)
orig = copy(Base.GLOBAL_RNG)
@test guardsrand(()->rand(), seed) == guardsrand(()->rand(), seed)
@test guardsrand(()->rand(Int), seed) == guardsrand(()->rand(Int), seed)
Expand Down

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