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Twilight Princess ROM hack to practice speedrunning.

⚠️ tpgz is still in early development.
If you have questions or need help, ask in the #tools-dev channel of the TP Speedrunning Discord.


Use L+R+dpadDown to open the main menu which contains the following options:

cheats menu:
- infinite air                  // Gives Link infinite air underwater
- infinite arrows               // Gives Link 99 arrows
- infinite bombs                // Gives Link 99 bombs in all bags
- infinite hearts               // Link will always have full hearts
- infinite oil                  // Gives Link infinite lantern oil
- infinite rupees               // Link will always have 1000 rupees
- infinite slingshot            // Gives Link 99 slingshot pellets
- invincible                    // Makes Link invincible (no hurtbox, but can still take fall damage and drown)
- invincible enemies            // Makes some enemies invincible (infinite health)
- moon jump                     // Hold R+A to moon jump
- door storage                  // Toggle door storage collision
- super clawshot                // Clawshot is long, fast, and can grab most things
- unrestricted items            // Link can use any item anywhere
- transform anywhere            // Link can transform into/from wolf anywhere
- super spinner (TBD)           // Spinner is very fast and can hover (not implemented yet)

flags menu:
- general flags                 // Toggle various general flags
- dungeon flags                 // Toggle various dungeon flags
- portal flags                  // Toggle warp portal flags
- temp flags                    // Toggle local temporary flags

general flags menu:
- boss flag                     // Set the boss flag value. Press A to lock the value
- epona stolen                  // Toggle flag for Epona being stolen
- epona tamed                   // Toggle flag for Epona being tamed
- map warping                   // Toggle flag for having map warping
- midna charge                  // Toggle flag for Midna charge
- midna healthy                 // Toggle flag for Midna being healthy/sick
- midna on back                 // Toggle flag for Midna appearing on Wolf Link's back
- midna on z                    // Toggle flag for being able to use Midna
- transform/warp                // Toggle flag for transforming/warping
- wolf sense                    // Toggle flag for having wolf sense

dungeon flags menu:
- have map                      // Toggle dungeon map for current dungeon
- have compass                  // Toggle compass for current dungeon
- have boss key                 // Toggle boss key for current dungeon
- have small keys               // Toggle small keys for current dungeon
- miniboss dead                 // Toggle miniboss defeated state
- boss dead                     // Toggle boss defeated state
- clear flags                   // Clear all dungeon flags

inventory menu:
- item wheel                    // Set the 24 item wheel slots to any item
- pause menu                    // Modify the pause menu collection
- amounts menu                  // Modify ammo / collectible amounts

memory menu:
- watches                       // Add memory watches to the screen
- editor                        // Browse and edit the memory

practice menu:
- Load practice files* (supports popular Any% and 100% locations)

scene menu:
- disable bg music*             // Disables background and enemy music
- disable sfx                   // Disables sound effects (item, weather, etc.)
- freeze actors                 // Freezes actors
- freeze camera                 // Locks the camera in place
- hide actors                   // Hides actors
- hide hud                      // Hides the heads-up display
- time (hrs)                    // The current in-game hour
- time (mins)                   // The current in-game minutes

settings menu:
- area reload behavior          // load area = Reload last area; load file = Reload last file
- cursor color                  // Changes the color of the cursor in TPGZ's menus (green, blue, red, orange, yellow, purple)
- drop shadows                  // Adds shadows to all font letters
- menu position                 // Changes the position of various menus and tools from TPGZ
- save card                     // Save settings to memory card
- load card                     // Load settings from memory card

tools menu:
- area reload                   // Use L+R+Start+A to reload current area
- fast bonk recovery            // Reduces bonk animation significantly
- fast movement                 // Link's movement is much faster
- gorge checker                 // Use L+Z to warp to Kakariko Gorge
- input viewer                  // Show current inputs (buttons only for now)
- link debug info               // Show Link's position, angle, and speed
- no sinking in sand            // Link won't sink in sand
- roll checker                  // Frame counter for chaining rolls
- teleport                      // dpadUp to set, dpadDown to load
- timer                         // Frame timer: Z+A to start/stop, Z+B to reset
- load timer                    // Loading timer: Z+B to reset
- igt timer                     // In Game Time frame timer: Z+A to start/stop, Z+B to reset
- free cam                      // Z+A+B to activate, Stick/L/R to move, C-stick to look, Z to speed
- move link*                    // Moves link in 3D
- link tunic color:             // Changes Link's tunic color (green, blue, red, orange, yellow, white, or cycle)

warping menu:
- warp to dungeons, towns, grottos, etc.

Known Issues

- disabled bg music tool may not always disable bg music
- loading practice files can crash in certain situations
- to be able to move link vertically, he must enter a falling state

Planned Features

- actor spawner
- frame advance
- collision viewer
- menu font selector
- lag counter & loading counter


We'd love for you to help out on tpgz! See for how to get started.


Tired of waiting for the next release? See to learn how to create local builds.