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Releases: hakimel/reveal.js


11 Apr 07:03
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  • Add the enter-fullscreen class to any element in your presentation to turn it into fullscreen trigger (@hakimel)
  • Video backgrounds now continue to play seamlessly across multiple slides (@hakimel)


  • MathJax3 plugin now works with in non-singleton reveal.js instances (@jokester in #3595)
  • Changing slides via swipe gestures now works when swiping on videosβ€”unless their controls are visible (@hakimel)
  • Fix exception when destroying uninitialized reveal.js instance (@hakimel in #3593)
  • Fix videos restarting each time a fragment is shown (@hakimel in #2882)
  • Fix broken backwards navigation in RTL mode (@hakimel)
  • Fix error when the notes plugin receives a non-string message (@NatKarmios in #3588)
  • Fix question mark shortcut on non-English keyboard layouts (@lechten in #3603)
  • Fix r-stack overflow behavior in Chromium browsers (@alifeee in #3598)

Full Changelog: 5.0.5...5.1.0


26 Feb 10:23
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Full Changelog: 5.0.4...5.0.5


22 Dec 12:21
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  • Missing slide backgrounds in mobile scroll view (#3554)


18 Dec 09:19
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  • Search plugin now supports searching for diacritics and searches full phrases (@t-fritsch in #3532)
  • Jump-to-slide now adapts to the configured slide number format (@hakimel in #3501)
  • Slide background XSS prevention (@EastSun5566 in #3548)


  • Fix speaker notes not appearing in PDF exports (@hakimel in #3535)
  • Fix exception when stepping backwards through code highlights (@hakimel in #3524)
  • Fix exception when navigating decks in mobile browsers (@hakimel in #3539)
  • Fix pause/help overlay position in scroll view (@hakimel in #3542)
  • Fix mobile scroll view navigation when fragments began at a index higher than 1 (@hakimel #3540)

Full Changelog: 5.0.2...5.0.3


09 Nov 08:11
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  • Upgrade dependencies (@Mister-Hope in #3505)
  • Make Markdown plugin callable without a reveal deck instance (@hakimel in #3517)
  • Fix exception in speaker view (@hakimel #2512)
  • Fix issue where a future vertical slide background sometimes flashed into view prematurely (@hakimel in #3520)

Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.2


27 Oct 13:58
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Scroll view

reveal.js 5.0 comes with a groundbreaking new feature; scroll view! (#3482)

Slide decks are a great format for giving presentations, but scrollable web pages are easier for viewers to read on their own.

The scroll view gives you the best of both worldsβ€”without any extra effort. Present in the format best suited for presenting, share in the format best suited for consumption.

Here's what it looks in action:


Want to try it out yourself? Check out the announcement deck I put together for πŸ‘‰

How to use it

The scroll view is enabled by initializing reveal.js with view: "scroll" or by appending ?view=scroll to a deck URL.

Reveal.initialize({ view: 'scroll' });

It's possible to fine tune this view through multiple new config options. Full documentation available at

Breaking change

The scroll view is automatically enabled for viewports below 435px wide. This is done because I believe the scroll view to be a superior way to browse any deck on a mobile device. If you want to revert this behavior and always paginate between slides, see scrollActivationWidth:

Reveal.initialize({ scrollActivationWidth: null })


  • The PDF print view can now be activated via config Reveal.initialize({ view: 'print' }) (@hakimel in #3482)
  • The new URL query for activating the print view is ?view=print. It used to be ?print-pdf, which is still supported for backwards compatibility. (@hakimel in #3482)


  • Notes from data-notes were not working on the slide-level (@skyboyer in #3477)
  • Add 'wheel' event listener, remove deprecated mousewheel & 'DOMMouseScroll` (@quochuy in #3489)

Full Changelog: 4.6.0...5.0.0


12 Sep 07:39
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  • Auto-slide duration falls back on global setting autoSlide instead of using first fragment auto-slide (@hakimel)
  • When a fragment sets data-autoslide, all fragments of the same index will now use the same auto-slide timing (@hakimel)
  • Fix code block auto-animate bug that caused unmatched lines to appear without fading in (@hakimel)
  • Fix livereload when using root CLI param (@t-fritsch #3441)
  • Fix scss watch tasks broken on syntax error (@t-fritsch #3445)
  • Fix typos in variable names (@individual-it #3453)
  • Fix code blocks font when printing pdf (@t-fritsch #3457)
  • Fix dracula's theme list-style on sub-items (@gildasio #3450)
  • Fix dracula li markers (@t-fritsch #3464)

Full Changelog: 4.5.0...4.6.0


13 Apr 12:23
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  • Update dependencies and fix all npm audit warnings (@hakimel)
  • Fix issue with special characters in slide background image URLs (@Martinomagnifico #3315)
  • Fix an issue where leading whitespace was sometimes incorrectly stripped from Markdown (@jerrykan #3358)
  • Fix spacing between slides in overview mode when disableLayout: true (@Proliecan #3291)
  • The reveal.js print styles will no longer apply to content outside of reveal.js (@hakimel #3348)
  • Improve selection color contrast for black theme (@hakimel)

Full Changelog: 4.4.0...4.5.0


17 Oct 07:47
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  • Gradient slide backgrounds, read the docs 🌈 (@gcmznt in #2510)
  • If multiple separate notes are provided for the same slide they will now all show in the speaker view (@lechten in #3010)
  • Updated browser targets from > 0.5%, IE 11, not dead to > 2%, not dead
  • Stop using zoom for presentation scaling. Zoom produced sharper upsizing than CSS transforms but it's a non-standard CSS property with a few too many quirks. e281b32


  • Fix issue where speaker view wasn't syncing (@hakimel #3285)
  • Fix incorrect slide numbers when exporting vertical slides to PDF (@chivongv in 3182)
  • Fix inconsistent fragment visibility in looped presentations (@hakimel in #3123)
  • Fix bug where r-fit-text caused text to truncate in PDF exports (@hakimel in #3120)
  • Fix bug where auto-animate could interfere with inherited line-height (@hakimel)

Full Changelog: 4.3.1...4.4.0


21 Mar 09:46
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What's Changed

  • Fix bug that prevented speaker view from working from file:https:// protocol (@hakimel #3158)
  • Fix console errors attempting to parse postMessage events from sources other than reveal.js (@hakimel)
  • Fix issue with providing your own config for MathJax3 plugin (@eric-wieser in #3157)
  • Fix ZIP package gulp task (@dennybiasiolli in #3156)
  • Replace deprecated String.prototype.substr() (@CommanderRoot in #3165)

Full Changelog: 4.3.0...4.3.1