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Lists (2)
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Start your Arduino projects right out of the box
3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade
Convert your KiCAD board into a nicely looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.
Configurable BoM generation tool for KiCad EDA (https://kicad.org/)
This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
Scripts for performing image diffs between pcbnew layout revisions
Kiri is a visual tool designed for reviewing schematics and layouts of KiCad projects that are version-controlled with Git.
This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
Gerbers, BOM, and Schematics for Open UpCell [1S]
Breadboard base with attachment slots for various modules