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Kubernetes Infrastructure as Code

Scope of this repository

This repository contains:

  1. K8s cluster VM setup automation scripts
  2. Demos for the Kubernetes and Docker

This repository DO NOT contain:

  1. K8s manifest YAMLs (for deploying applications, object templates, etc)
  2. Helm charts and values

Plz refer to Yammy repository if u wanna archive the manifests


  • VirtualBox : VM provider
  • Vagrant : VM provisioner


  • demo/ : K8s demonstration scripts
  • online-cluster/ : Online K8s cluster makers
    • centos-7/ : CentOS 7 based K8s cluster maker
    • rocky-8.6/ : Rocky linux 8.6 based K8s cluster maker
    • ubuntu-20.04/ : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS based K8s cluster makers
      • high-available/ : Highly-Available controlplane setup
      • haproxy-ingress-controller-external-example/ : External HAProxy IC frontend setup
  • offline-cluster/ : Offline K8s Cluster makers
    • centos-7/ : CentOS 7 based offline K8s cluster maker
    • rocky-8.6/ : Rocky linux 8.6 based offline K8s cluster maker
      • high-available/ : Highly-Available controlplane setup
      • minimum/ : K8s cluster w/ minimum setup
    • ubuntu-20.04/ : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS based offline K8s cluster makers
      • high-available/ : Highly-Available controlplane setup
      • minimum/ : K8s cluster w/ minimum setup
  • offline-app-installer/ : Offline K8s application installer packs
    • external-HAProxy-IC/ : External HAProxy IC migrator
    • HA-PostgreSQL/ : Highly-available PostgreSQL downloader & installer
    • HA-redis/ : Highly-available Redis downloader & installer
    • HA-harbor/ : Highly-available Harbor image registry downloader & installer
    • loki-stack/ : Loki stack (PLG) downloader & installer
    • nfs-subdir-external-provisioner/ : NFS external PV provisioner downloader & installer
    • docker-registry/ : Basic docker registry downloader & installer