Visits a page URL, collects all the linked pages, and then scrapes the contents of the linked pages. The result is machine readable, not human readable. It was originally intended as a throwaway script to collect training data for a ML project, but now I'm using it as a scratch project for testing static type support in Ruby 3.0.0.
Getting types working with external libraries - in our case, Mechanize. Was able to prototype a signiture for Mechanize, but just dumping that output into scrape.rbs failed to pass type checks. Will reinvestigate Soon(TM)
ruby lib/scrape.rb
make profile_types
This dumps the generated types to profile_types.output
, and then you can pick what you
want for sig/scrape.rbs. The generated code serves as a scaffold, not a final product, so
don't just dump the output in, as you'll overwrite more specific annotation added manually.
make check_types
make type_stats