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Using dbgap2x, R package to explore, download and decrypt phenotypic and genomic data from dbGaP

You can test this software:

  • Using the dockerized version on your local device by running
docker run -p 80:8888 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock  gversmee/dbgap2x

and then open your web browser at https://localhost, and use the password dbgap2x

  • Using your local R by installing the package with

For using the package with a fresh R installation, make sure your system has the following libraries: libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev. Example for a debian system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev -y


Load the package

#devtools::install_github("gversmee/dbgap2x", force = TRUE)

Get the list of the function for this new package

browse.dbgap : function (phs, no.browser = FALSE) : function (phs, no.browser = FALSE)  
consent.groups : function (phs)  
datatables.dict : function (phs)  
dbgap.data_dict : function (xml, dest)  
dbgap.decrypt : function (files, key = FALSE) : function (krt, key = FALSE)  
is.parent : function (phs)  
n.pop : function (phs, consentgroups = TRUE, gender = TRUE)  
n.tables : function (phs)  
n.variables : function (...) : function (phs)  
phs.version : function (phs)  
search.dbgap : function (term, no.browser = FALSE) : function (phs) : function (phs)  
variables.dict : function (phs)  

Search for dbGaP studies

Let's try to explore the "Jackson Heart Study" cohort that exists on dbGaP.

We created the function "browse.dbgap", which helps you to find the studies related to the term that you search for.
Study IDStudy NameRelease DateNb ParticipantsStudy DesignProjectDiseasesAncestor IDAncestor NameMolecular Data TypeTumor TypeUID
phs001356.v1.p2 Exome Chip Genotyping: The Jackson Heart Study 2019-05-10 2788 Prospective Longitudinal Cohort National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitusphs000286.v6.p2 The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) SNP Genotypes (Array) germline 1692088
phs001098.v2.p2 T2D-GENES Multi-Ethnic Exome Sequencing Study: Jackson Heart Study 2019-05-10 1029 Case-Control NHLBI GO-ESP Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 phs000286.v6.p2 The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) SNP/CNV Genotypes (NGS), WXS germline 1597258
phs000499.v4.p2 NHLBI Jackson Heart Study Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) 2019-05-10 3352 Prospective Longitudinal Cohort NHLBI CARe Longitudinal Studies phs000286.v6.p2 The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) SNP Genotypes (Array) germline, unspecified 1597257
phs000498.v4.p2 Jackson Heart Study Allelic Spectrum Project 2019-05-10 1983 Prospective Longitudinal Cohort National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute Cardiovascular Diseases phs000286.v6.p2 The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) SNP Genotypes (NGS), WXS germline 1597256
phs000286.v6.p2 The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) 2019-05-10 3889 Prospective Longitudinal Cohort National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute, NHLBI GO-ESP, NHLBI CARe Cardiovascular Diseases, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Obesity, Hypertension, Kidney Failure, Chronic, Stroke, Heart Failure, Peripheral Vascular Diseases, Arrhythmias, Cardiac germline, unspecified 1597254
phs000964.v3.p1 NHLBI TOPMed: The Jackson Heart Study 2018-05-18 3596 Prospective Longitudinal Cohort National Human Genome Research Institute Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus SNP/CNV Genotypes (NGS), WGS germline 1768620
dbGaP returns the list of the studies related to your term. As you see, there are 6 studies associated with the "Jackson Heart Study" (JHS). One of these study is the main one a.k.a the "parent study", whereas the other ones are substudies. In this case, phs000286.v5.p1 is the parent study. Firslty, we can use the phs.version() function in order to be sure that this is the latest version of the study. We can abbreviate the phs name by giving just the digit, or we can use the full dbGaP id.


The is.parent() function is usefull to test if a study is a parent study or a substudy
is.parent("000286") # JHS main cohort
is.parent("phs499") # substudy "CARe" for JHS



If you don't know the parent study of a substudy, try"phs000499")
  1. 'phs000286.v6.p2'
  2. 'Jackson Heart Study (JHS) Cohort'
On the other side, use to get the name and IDs of the substudies from a parent one"286")
phs001356.v1.p2 Exome Chip Genotyping: The Jackson Heart Study
phs000498.v4.p2 Jackson Heart Study Allelic Spectrum Project
phs001069.v1.p2 MIGen_ExS: JHS
phs000402.v4.p2 NHLBI GO-ESP: Heart Cohorts Exome Sequencing Project (JHS)
phs000499.v4.p2 NHLBI Jackson Heart Study Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe)
phs001098.v2.p2 T2D-GENES Multi-Ethnic Exome Sequencing Study: Jackson Heart Study
If you want to get the name of a study from its dbGaP id, use"286")

'Jackson Heart Study (JHS) Cohort'

Finally, you can watch your study on dbGaP with browse.dbgap().
If a website exists for this study, you can browse it using
browse.dbgap("286", no.browser = TRUE)"286", no.browser = TRUE)



Explore the characteristics of your study

For each dbGaP study, there can be multiple consent groups that will have there specificities. Use consent.groups to know the number and the name of the consent groups in the study that you are exploring. Let's keep focusing on JHS.
JHS <- "phs000286"
0NRUP Subjects did not participate in the study, did not complete a consent document and are included only for the pedigree structure and/or genotype controls, such as HapMap subjects
1HMB-IRB-NPU Health/Medical/Biomedical (IRB, NPU)
2DS-FDO-IRB-NPU Disease-Specific (Focused Disease Only, IRB, NPU)
3HMB-IRB Health/Medical/Biomedical (IRB)
4DS-FDO-IRB Disease-Specific (Focused Disease Only, IRB)
Use n.pop() to know the number of patient included in each groups
n.pop(JHS, consentgroups = FALSE)
HMB-IRB 2409 3046 5885
HMB-IRB-NPU 265 511 883
DS-FDO-IRB-NPU 63 109 201
HMB-IRB 793 1249 2289
DS-FDO-IRB 174 295 516
TOTAL 3704 5210 9774


Use n.tables() and n.variables() to get the number of datatables in your study and the total number of variables



datatables.dict() will return a data frame with the datatables IDs (phtxxxxxx) and description of your study
tablesdict <- datatables.dict(JHS)
pht008811.v1 MIGen_JHS_AA_Subject_Phenotypes Subject ID, age, sex, cohort, consortium, T2D affection status, weight, BMI, waist circumference, height, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, blood pressure, adiponectin, debates age, creatinine, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HbA1C, leptin, triglycerides, and medication of participants involved in the "Myocardial Infarction Genetics Exome Sequencing Consortium: Jackson Heart Study" project.
pht008783.v1 sbpc sbpc
pht008727.v1 allevthf allevthf
pht001959.v2 loca loca
pht001945.v2 cena cena
pht001957.v2 hcaa hcaa
variables.dict() will return a data frame with the variables IDs (phvxxxxxx), their name in the study, the datatable where they come from and their description
vardict <- variables.dict(JHS)
MIGen_JHS_AA_Subject_Phenotypes phv00404354.v1 SUBJECT_ID De-identified Subject ID
MIGen_JHS_AA_Subject_Phenotypes phv00404355.v1 sex Gender of participant
sbpc phv00403830.v1 SUBJECT_ID PARTICIPANT ID [Visit 1] [Sitting Blood Pressure Form, SBP]
sbpc phv00403831.v1 VISIT CONTACT OCCASION [Visit 1] [Sitting Blood Pressure Form, SBP]
sbpc phv00403832.v1 SBPC1 Q1. A. Temperature. Room temperature (degrees centigrade) [Visit 1] [Sitting Blood Pressure Form, SBP]
sbpc phv00403833.v1 SBPC2 Q2. B. Tobacco and caffeine use, physical activity, and medication. Have you smoked or used chewing tobacco, nicotine gum or snuff today or do you wear a nicotine patch? [Visit 1] [Sitting Blood Pressure Form, SBP]

Extract your study

Get your dbGaP repository key

In order to download or decrypt your data from dbGaP, you will need to request an access and to get a decryption key. Follow those steps to access your dbGaP repository key:

- Go to and click on controlled access data
- Click on Log in to dbGaP
- Identify yourself with your era common ID and password
- Get a PI dbGaP repository key:

In order to download the files and to decrypt them, you will need a decryption key. This key can be found on a PI dbGaP account. Go to the Authorized Access and then My Projects tabs. Then, in the column Actions on the right of your screen, find Get no password dbGaP repository key.

Decrypt the .ncbi_enc files

On dbGaP, the phenotypic files are encrypted. We created a decryption function that uses a dockerized version on sratoolkit. To use that function, you need to have docker installed on your device ( If you are using the dockerized version of this software (available at, docker is already pre-installed, but you'll need to upload your key on the jupyter working directory.

key <- "path/to/your/key.ngc"
files <- "path/to/directory/ofencrypted_files"
dbgap.decrypt(files, key)

You should see a "decrypted_files" directory in the directory where your encrypted files are located

Download dbGaP files

- Click on "file selector"

This gives you access to the dbGaP file selector where you can find all the files available for the selected project. To find it, go to the Authorized Access and then My Projects tabs. Then, in the column Actions on the right of your screen, find file selector.

- Filter by study accession

Here, we want to get the phenotypic data for the study "Early onset COPD", so after checking Study accession, we select "phs000946".

- Filter again

Since we are only interested in getting the phenotypic data, let's filter by Content type and select phenotype individual-auxiliary and phenotype individual-traits.

- Select the files

Click on "+" to select all the files.

- Click on "Cart file"

This will downlaod a .krt file in your download folder.

Download and decrypt the files

key <- "path/to/your/key.ngc"
cart <- "path/to/your/cartfile.krt", key)

You should see in your working directory a new folder named dbGaP-*** that contains your files