git clone
git submodules init
git submodules update
- then stow the appropriate directories
stow --target=$HOME tmux
- launch tmux
prefix + I
=> will install the appropriate plugins (copycat, etc.)
Put the following in ~/.zshrc to add paths in tmux pane titles
function set_win_title() {
echo -ne "\033]0; $(print -rD "$PWD") \007"
stow --target=$HOME alacritty
stow --target=$HOME starship
- works best with
Nerd Font
- tmux
- set current path in pane title
- truncate parts of path if too long
- git info? in tmux status bar? as to not polute prompt visually and more performant prompt?
- prompt
- current dir name
- prompt character (with color - previous command failed or not)