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Package to build the mlr3 bookdown book. The rendered book can be found here.

To install all necessary dependencies for the book, install this package using remotes:

remotes::install_github("mlr-org/mlr3book", dependencies = TRUE)

To build the book, run the following R command in the repository root:


(Note that you need to have a recent R version installed as some parts of the book cannot be built with R < 3.6.0). The command above starts a service which automatically (re-)compiles the bookdown sources in the background. Alternatively, you can run ./serve if you have Rscript in your PATH. If your browser does not open automatically, go to http:

File system structure

The root directory is a regular R package. The book is in the subdirectory "bookdown".

Style Guide

Links and References

The package mlr3book provides the helpers cran_pkg(), mlr_pkg(), gh_pkg(), and ref() Example:

See the manual for `r ref("Experiment")`.
More learners can be found in `r mlr_pkg("mlr_learners")`.
We heavily use `r cran_pkg("data.table")` internally.
You need the development version of `r gh_pkg("mlr-org/mlr3")` for this.

Chunk Names

Chunks are named automatically as [chapter-name]-# by calling name_chunks_mlr3book():



You can add certain "blocks" supported by bookdown for notes, warnings, etc. Start the code chunk with block instead of r and add type='caution'.

```{block <name>, type='caution'}


  • Always start a new sentence on a new line.
  • Always start a new sentence on a new line.
  • Put an empty line before and after code blocks.

PDF version

If you use RStudio, you can click on "Build Website" in the "Build pane" of RStudio to build both the HTML and the PDF version. Settings will be taken from bookdown/_output.yml.

To format code in the PDF nicely, please install formatR via pak::pkg_install("pablo14/formatR").

To build the PDF manually, call

  output_format = bookdown::pdf_book(includes = list("bookdown/preamble.tex"),
    toc_depth = 4, highlight = "haddock", latex_engine = "xelatex",
    citation_package = "natbib"))

(this call does sometimes not work. It is recommended to use RStudio.)


No releases published




  • R 54.3%
  • TeX 32.6%
  • CSS 13.1%