Dt money is a financial controller for you put your incomes, outcomes and see your total balance. It was built with React and the MirageJS API mocking library simulates an backend service.
The project is part of my personal portfolio, so I would appreciate if you provide me any feedback about the ideia, code, structure or anything you could report to make me a better developer.
Feel free to use the Dt money as you wish, either to study or make improvementes!
- Register new income or outcome transactions with it value.
- Track your income and outcome history on the dashboard.
- Your total balance is generated automatically.
Before starting, you need to have installed in your machine: Node, Yarn, Git and a editor to work with the code (I use VSCode).
# Clone this repository via HTTPS:
$ git clone https://github.com/gustavopolonio/dt-money-financial-control.git
# Go into the repository:
$ cd dt-money-financial-control
# Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
# Start the application in a development environment
$ yarn start
This project is under the MIT license. See the license for more informations.
Made with 💚 by Gustavo Polonio 🚀