Northwestern Polytechnical University
- Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
(UTC -12:00) - https://nwpu.edu.cn/
- https://guohuan78.github.io/
- Pro
A baseline on NPUcore-IMPACT with FAT32/EXT4 file system
A non-embedded AI for Clash Royale based on RL and CV.
“全国大学生计算机系统能力大赛 - 操作系统设计赛(全国)- OS内核实现赛道龙芯LA2K1000分赛道” 一等奖参赛作品
This is a peer to peer chat and file-sharing app, that connects two device on the same network using their IP address and designated port numbers. It was developed as an undergraduate Networking co…
A CNN based pytorch implementation on facial expression recognition (FER2013 and CK+), achieving 73.112% (state-of-the-art) in FER2013 and 94.64% in CK+ dataset
Android Studio Project,聊天APP,根据Socket通信,需要设置IP和端口号,移动开发课程的一次实验
持续开发中…… 大三上数据库实验大作业 根据教程 简约记账app的介绍 (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ey4y1k73N?p=1) 来开发,加入自己对软件功能的想法。
Open source project provided to Baidu PaddlePaddle community. Apply lightweight front-end design, integrate OCR, nlp and novel continuation functions to create a simple and practical text tool