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forked from rajesh5310/SBUnix

This project involved the development of a x86 64 bit operating system (SBUnix). It was developed in C and Assembly language. System was tested on QEMU which is a hosted hypervisor that performs hardware virtualization.The developed OS support for Context Switching, Memory management, File System, Terminal and Shell. System calls: COW fork, exec…


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=====70 POINT PROJECT=====


For filesystem, use the disk named "hdd.img" in cse506 folder. Disk Image size is 20 MB

If new disk is to created, here are the following steps:

    1. Run the qemu command to create a 1 MB disk named "hdd.img" : qemu-img create hdd.img 20M 

    2. Insert superblock to that image using command : dd if=superblock of=hdd.img seek=1 conv=notrunc (superblock file is provided in the home directory, which is being generated using initialize_superblock.c)

    3. Now, the hdd.img is ready to be used by our OS. Run Qemu with following command : qemu-system-x86_64 -curses -cdrom $USER.iso -drive id=disk,file=hdd.img,if=none -device ahci,id=ahci -device ide-drive,drive=disk,bus=ahci.0 -gdb tcp::$1

For Shutdown : type shutdown on shell.
For any queries, please contact SBUnix developers.

/* File System Commands  */    
    Syntax       :  read(file *file, uint64_t addr, char *buf )
    Description  :  Whenever called  this function reads the file in to the buffer 'buf'.
    Dependencies :  To open a file always use OPEN system call before reading and after the read is completed, close the file. This call returns -1 for the files whose WRONLY flag is set.
    return       :  This call returns the length of bytes read into the buffer or -1 if there is an error

    Syntax       :  int write(file *fd, char * buf, int size)
    Description  :  Whenever called it writes up to 'size' number of bytes into the file descriptor 'fd' from the buffer starting at 'addr'.
    Dependencies :  To open a file always use OPEN system call before reading and after the read is completed, close the file.
                    This call returns -1 for the files opened with O_RDONLY flag set. It cannot do any write operations on tarfs.
    return       :  This function retruns length of bytes written into the buffer or -1 on error
    Syntax       :  void *malloc(uint64_t size)
    Description  :  Whenever called the size of vma is increased by 'size'.
    return       :  This call returns the virtual address in heap
    Syntax       :  pid_t fork (void); 
    Description  :  Whenever called a child process is created. It returns pid = 0 for child process and non zero for parent process.
    return       :  This call returns the pid for parent process or 0 for the child  process.
    Syntax       :  execvpe(char *file, char *argv[], char *envp[])
    Description  :  Whenever called a file along with any necessary arguments argv[] in the environment envp[] is executed.
    return       :  This call returns -1 on failure, and doesnot return anything on success
    Syntax       :  wait(uint64_t status)
    Description  :  Whenever called, the parent waits for a child process to exit.
    return       :  This call returns -1 if the parent has no children.
    Syntax       :  exit(int status)
    Description  :  Whenever called the calling process is terminated immediately.

    Syntax       :  getpid()
    Description  :  Whenever called the process id of currently running process is returned.
    Syntax       :  getppid()
    Description  :  Whenever called the parent's process id of currently running process is returned.
    Syntax       :  ps()
    Description  :  Whenever called the list of all currently running processes is returned.
    Syntax       :  opendir(uint64_t* entry, uint64_t* directory)
    Description  :  Whenever called,a directory struct with list of all inode/files in it is returned.
    return       :  If an error occurs it will return directory struct with the values set to NULL.   
    Syntax       :  readdir(DIR* node)
    Description  :  Whenver called iteratively, it will list contents in directory. 
    Dependencies :  Read directory system call is always followed after open directory system call.
    return       :  It will return the pointer to dirent structure .If end of directory is reached or an error occurs then it returns NULL.
    Syntax       :  open(char* dir_path, uint64_t flags)
    Description  :  Whenever called, a file is opened and a file descriptor is returned. It opens files from 'tarfs' and disk depending on 'dir_path'.
    Dependencies :  The flags can be one of the following: 'O_CREAT', 'O_RDONLY', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_APPEND', 'O_TRUNC', 'O_RDWR'.
    return       :  This call returns file descriptor number open on a directory returns -1 as file descriptor.
    Syntax       :  sleep(int msec)
    Description  :  The state of the current task is changed to 'sleep' for 'msec' milliseconds.
    Syntax       :  clear()
    Description  :  Clears the screen.
    Syntax       :  seek(uint64_t fd_type, int offset, int whence) 
    Description  :  When used it will move the current file pointer by offset number of bytes that is in the file.
    Dependencies :  whence can be SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END. Using this will provide the offset from start , current pointer or end of file.

    Syntax       :  shutdown() 
    Description  :  This function is used to exit from all the processes. 


This project involved the development of a x86 64 bit operating system (SBUnix). It was developed in C and Assembly language. System was tested on QEMU which is a hosted hypervisor that performs hardware virtualization.The developed OS support for Context Switching, Memory management, File System, Terminal and Shell. System calls: COW fork, exec…







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  • C 85.7%
  • Forth 11.3%
  • Assembly 1.0%
  • C++ 1.0%
  • Makefile 0.6%
  • Objective-C 0.3%
  • Shell 0.1%