Nebula is a generation tool written in java. Nebula provides simple tools for easy data generation.
The central element in Nebula is the model. The model consists on
Entities that describes data structure and the generation behaviours for properties.
Generation rules that describe how generated data will be format and write
package com.nebula.examples.csv;
import com.nebula.core.Model;
import com.nebula.Nebula;
import com.nebula.core.Entity;
import com.nebula.core.types.NebulaTypes;
import com.nebula.core.generators.NebulaGenerators;
import com.nebula.core.formatter.NebulaFormatters;
import com.nebula.core.generationconstraint.NebulaConstraints;
import com.nebula.core.output.NebulaOutputs;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import static com.nebula.Nebula.*;
public class CsvUsers {
private static DateTime MIN_BIRTH_DATE = new DateTime(1950, 1, 1, 0, 0);
private static DateTime MAX_BIRTH_DATE = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Generate 10 Users");
Model model = Nebula.newModel();
model.setSeed("a seed");
Entity users = newEntity("users", Long.MAX_VALUE);
users.addProperty("firstName", NebulaGenerators.random(), NebulaGenerationTypes.string().withPattern("[A-Z]{1}[a-z]{3,25}"));
users.addProperty("lastName", NebulaGenerators.random(), NebulaGenerationTypes.string().withPattern("[A-Z]{1}[a-z]{3,25}"));
users.addProperty("dayOfBirth", NebulaGenerators.random(), NebulaGenerationTypes.dateTime().range().withMin(MIN_BIRTH_DATE).withMax(MAX_BIRTH_DATE));
.withFormatter(NebulaFormatters.csv().withSeparator(";").withColumns("lastName", "firstName", "dayOfBirth"))
The concept behind Nebula is data generation based on two elements :
a seed
an index
The most important thing is when an entity is declared, Nubula works like an array which all items is a generated object that match entity declaration. All object can be accessible with an index (from 0 to 9223372036854775807). All objects are generated on demand when access via index is perform.
Seed concept is very important. For a same seed nebula will generate the same dataset.
Model : a model contains the data structure to generate (entities) and all generation behavior for data generation.
Entity : represent a hierarchical data structure. An entity consist on a set of properties that describe name, type and generation rule for a property.
Formatter : a formatter transform entities to String for outputs
Output : Example : file, http, stdout, jdbc, …
Model settings are apply on all operations that use these setting in the model.
Parameter | Usage | Description | Default Value |
seed |
Sepcify the seed to use for all random operations in the model. If you sepecify a |
A random Long |
date format |
Specify the date format to use for all date format operations in the model. See java formats for all possibls formats |
"MM/dd/yyyy" |
decimal separator |
model.setNumberDecimalSeparator(<char>) |
Specify the decimal separator for number format |
"." |
thousand separator |
model.setNumberThousandSeparator(<char>) |
Specify the thousand separator for number format |
"," |
Types are accessible in NebulaTypes class
Type |
Description |
Default behavior |
amongItems() |
Provide a list of items and pick one of these |
bool() |
Generate a boolean (true or false) |
constant() |
Always generate the same thing |
custom() |
A custom type implementation can be specify with this type |
datetime() |
Generate a date time according rule |
entity() |
Generate an another entity |
list() |
Generate à list |
number() |
Generate a number |
string() |
Generate a string |
All generators are accessible in NebulaGenerators
Generator |
Description |
Default behavior |
custom() |
A custom implementation can be specify with this generator |
random() |
Generate a random type |
randomUnique() |
Generate a random type uniquely. After all types are generated, the generator cycle again |
sequence() |
Generate sequentially the type |
By default, the sequence cycle if reach the maximum |