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"Tasker" - A server that runs tasks by requests it will get from clients.

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Tasker - Requirements

  1. "Tasker" is a server that will run tasks by requests it will get from clients.
  2. Each request will contain a task name and parameters.
  3. There quest will be"sendandforget"-meaning the client doesn't expect a result immediately when running the task, only the UUID of the new task.
  4. The result of a task should be written to a DB with some meta data (taskname and parameters, ip of the requester and timestamp)
  5. Supported tasks:
  • Sum two numbers
  • Multiple three numbers

Clone Project:

Clone This Project (Make Sure You Have Git Installed)

Setup with Docker

Build the app with the specified name "tasker"

sudo docker build -t tasker .

After the build have been finieshd successfully, run the container by specifying the name or CONTAINER_ID

sudo docker run tasker

The app is now running and available under the docker host.


To find your docker IP you can use one of the below commands

sudo docker network inspect bridge | grep "Gateway"
sudo docker inspect CONTAINER_ID | grep "IPAddress"

Setup Manually

The following command creates a new virtual environment named venv in the current directory:

$ python -m venv env

Activate virtual environment:

(Mac/Linux) $ source env/bin/activate
(Windows) $ source env/Scripts/activate

Install Dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Set Database (Make Sure you are in the same directory as

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Create SuperUser:

$ python createsuperuser

Run the development server:

$ python runserver

The project is runing at: http:

Access admin pannel: http:

How to use it

There are only two tasks as example available "SumTwoNumbers" and "MultipleThreeNumbers"

The below Endpoint allows you to make a POST request the task name and task parameters as a body payload and the as the result is expected a UUID


Method "POST" , params as body(Postman):

    "task_name": "SumTwoNumbers",
    "params": {
            "num_one": 5,
            "num_two": 5
    "task_name": "MultipleThreeNumbers",
    "params": {
            "num_one": 5,
            "num_two": 5,
            "num_three": 5

The user will receive a unique UUID of the task that he executed. The user is able to check the task execution and the result by filtering in the endpoint


The available parameters to filter the executed tasks are id=&task=&task_uuid=&requester_ip=

There is also possible to add new functions as well by creating the function under the helperScripts/ and registering the task by accessing the Django Admin page http:https://HOST:8000/admin/core/task/


"Tasker" - A server that runs tasks by requests it will get from clients.






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