I am primarily writing this to learn Gleam + the BEAM ecosystem, though I do plan on fully implementing all features.
I do not recommend using this for a "real" bot just yet - there's still many missing events and it is not prepared for highly available bots yet.
I do recommend using this if you just want to play around with it and maybe even contribute!
To see what is planned for a certain release, go to the Issues section and filter by Milestone.
gleam add glyph
The following code sets up a bot that replies to !ping
with Pong!
and !pong
with Ping!
Note: any code related to the logging
package below is not necessary, but may help us debug if you encounter issues.
import envoy
import gleam/erlang/process
import glyph/clients/bot
import glyph/models/discord
import logging
pub type LogLevel {
pub type Log {
@external(erlang, "logger", "set_primary_config")
fn set_logger_level(log: Log, level: LogLevel) -> Nil
pub fn main() {
set_logger_level(Level, Debug)
let assert Ok(discord_token) = envoy.get("DISCORD_TOKEN")
let bot_name = "YOUR_BOT_NAME"
let bot_version = "YOUR_BOT_VERSION"
// Create a new bot and register its handlers
let assert Ok(bot) =
bot.new(discord_token, bot_name, bot_version)
|> bot.set_intents([discord.GuildMessages, discord.MessageContent])
|> bot.on_message_create(message_create_callback)
|> bot.initialize
fn pong(bot: discord.BotClient, msg: discord.Message) {
let response =
|> message.content("Pong!")
|> message.reply_to(msg)
let _ = bot.send(bot, msg.channel_id, response)
fn ping(bot: discord.BotClient, msg: discord.Message) {
let response =
|> message.content("Ping!")
|> message.reply_to(msg)
let _ = bot.send(bot, msg.channel_id, response)
pub fn message_create_handler(
bot: discord.BotClient,
msg: discord.Message,
) -> Result(Nil, discord.DiscordError) {
case string.starts_with(msg.content, "!ping") {
True -> pong(bot, msg)
False -> Nil
case string.starts_with(msg.content, "!pong") {
True -> ping(bot, msg)
False -> Nil
As I develop Glyph, I will do my best to keep Scribe up to date with examples for all supported features.
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/glyph.