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Numerical codes

Program requires GCC 6 (or newer), including gfortran or other compiler suite (such as Intel Parallel Studio). Developement package for Lapack, OpenBLAS or other compatible library is required.

cd build
# install system-wide
sudo make install

If one has no root access, installation can be made in user's home directory. Typical location is ~/.local/bin and ~/.local/lib, which is achieved by following commands:

# install for current user only
make install prefix=~/.local
# add the directory to system path
# this line can be also added to .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"

Building the library and python package

Python package, containing plotting scripts and bindings to run the code from Python has been provided. The package needs the code in shared library format. The shared library needs rebuilding the whole project.

make clean
make lib
# to install system-wide (requires root)
sudo make install-lib
# to install for the current user
make install-lib prefix=~/.local

To install the Python package, a setup script is provided. Is it advised (but not required) that you use a virtual environment. Installing the package system-wide is risky and can conflict with your distribution's packages.

cd ..
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
cd python
python install

Alternatively, once can install the Python package for the current user only:

python install --user

Special builds

During normal use, there is no need for changing the default compiler flags, which provide optimal execution speed. However, if for some reason different compiler options are needed (such as debugging or a specific architecture), they can be overriden in a following way:

# check for array bounds and append debug info
make FFLAGS='-g -Og -fcheck=all'

Other compiler vendors

Diskvert can be compiled using icc and ifort. They provide about 10 percent performance improvement due to more advanced optimization and faster algebra library. One can either specify the alternative compiler from the command line, or edit the Makefile to make the change permanent.

make CC=icc FC=ifort FFLAGS='-O2 -xhost'

PGI compilers (pgcc and pgf90) do not work with this code (as of 2018) but hopefully they will soon.



The recommended way to produce models is to execute diskvert program, which refers to the most up-to-date version of the model. (Other programs: dv-alpha, dv-alpha-rx, dv-mag and dv-rad1 work but are not officially supported.) After successful build an installation, execution of program does not require changing the source code. For example, the following command will process the input file input.par, and produce three output files (model.dat, model.txt and model.col):

cat input.par | diskvert -o model

It may be helpful to store the files in archive file (here called model.tgz) to save disk space:

tar czf model.{tgz,col,dat,txt} && rm model.{col,dat,txt}

Input files

The structure of the input file consists of key-value pairs (case-sensitive!), for example:

mbh 10
mdot 0.1
radius 6.5
# this is a comment

The following keywords are allowed, all taking numerical values (required keywords are in bold):

  • mbh is the black hole mass (in solar masses)
  • mdot is the accretion rate (in units of Eddington rate)
  • radius is the radius from the center of the black hole (in Schwarzschild radii)
  • alpha, eta and nu (default = 0) are magnetic parameters (refer to the paper for details)

Command-line parameters

Under construction!

Python package

Under construction!

Reading model files

Under construction!


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