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Add node type definition with basic operations
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Zdenek Grof committed Jul 30, 2023
0 parents commit 8e7ecab
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Showing 5 changed files with 342 additions and 0 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# list
Fortran List

An easy-to-use implementation of Python-like lists in Fortran


# Methods
- constructor

thislist = list(("apple", "banana", "cherry")) # note the double round-brackets

- append() Adds an element at the end of the list
- clear() Removes all the elements from the list
- copy() Returns a copy of the list
- count() Returns the number of elements with the specified value
- extend() Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list
- index() Returns the index of the first element with the specified value
- insert() Adds an element at the specified position
- pop() Removes the element at the specified position
- remove() Removes the first item with the specified value
- reverse() Reverses the order of the list
- sort() Sorts the list
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/main.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
program main
end program main
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions fpm.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name = "list"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "license"
author = "Jane Doe"
maintainer = "[email protected]"
copyright = "Copyright 2023, Jane Doe"
auto-executables = true
auto-tests = true
auto-examples = true
library = false
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions src/dllnode_mod.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
! Defines "node" type and basic operations with the chain of
! nodes
! TODO in this file
! - copy the chain
! - constructor from the array
module dllnode_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only : int64
implicit none

integer, parameter, public :: &
DATA_KIND=int64, &

type, public :: dllnode_t
integer(kind=DATA_KIND) :: data(DATA_SIZE)
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: next => null()
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: prev => null()
procedure :: gonext, goprev
end type dllnode_t
interface dllnode_t
module procedure dllnode_new
end interface

type(dllnode_t) :: mold

public dllnode_update, dllnode_read
public dllnode_count, dllnode_export, dllnode_insertinfrontof
public dllnode_remove
public dllnode_find, dllnode_head, dllnode_tail


! ==========================
! Next and previous (TBP's)
! ==========================
function goprev(this)
class(dllnode_t), intent(in) :: this
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: goprev
goprev => this%prev
end function goprev

function gonext(this)
class(dllnode_t), intent(in) :: this
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: gonext
gonext => this%next
end function gonext

! ===================
! Allocate new node
! Update node data
! Read data from node
! ===================

function dllnode_new(data) result(new)
integer(DATA_KIND), intent(in) :: data(:)
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: new

if (size(data,1)/=size(mold%data,1)) &
error stop 'dllnode_new ERROR: input array size is wrong'
new%data = data
new%prev => null()
new%next => null()
end function dllnode_new

subroutine dllnode_update(node,data)
type(dllnode_t), intent(in), pointer :: node
integer(DATA_KIND), intent(in) :: data(:)

if (size(data,1)/=size(mold%data,1)) &
error stop 'dllnode_update ERROR: input array size is wrong'
if (.not. associated(node)) &
error stop 'dllnode_update ERROR: node is null'
node%data = data
end subroutine dllnode_update

function dllnode_read(node) result(data)
type(dllnode_t), intent(in), pointer :: node
integer(DATA_KIND) :: data(size(mold%data))
if (.not. associated(node)) &
error stop 'dllnode_read ERROR: node is null'
data = node%data
end function dllnode_read

! ==========================
! Count nodes in the chain
! Export nodes to array
! Insert node to the chain
! Remove node from the chain
! ==========================

function dllnode_count(head) result(n)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: head
integer :: n

type(dllnode_t), pointer :: current
current => head
n = 0
if (.not. associated(current)) exit
n = n + 1
current => current%next
end do
end function dllnode_count

function dllnode_export(head) result(arr)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: head
integer(DATA_KIND), allocatable :: arr(:,:)

integer :: i, n
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: current

n = dllnode_count(head)
current => head
do i = 1, n
if (.not. associated(current)) &
error stop 'dllnode_export ERROR: unexpected end of chain'
arr(:,i) = current%data
current => current%next
end do
end function dllnode_export

subroutine dllnode_insertinfrontof(where, new, output)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: where, new
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(out), optional :: output
! Insert "new" in front of "where".
! Optional "output" points to the inserted node
if (present(output)) output => new
if (associated(new%prev) .or. associated(new%next)) &
error stop 'dll_insertinfrontof ERROR: inserted node is not a single node'
if (.not. associated(where)) return

! the chain before
! <- :- NEW -:
! the chain after
! PREV -4> NEW -2> WHERE
! <1- <3-
new%prev => where%prev ! (1)
new%next => where ! (2)
where%prev => new ! (3)
if (associated(new%prev)) new%prev%next => new ! (4)
end subroutine dllnode_insertinfrontof

subroutine dllnode_remove(what, deleted, next_in_chain)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: what
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(out) :: deleted, next_in_chain
! Remove "what" from chain. On return, "deleted" points to the
! removed node and must be dealocated else-where,
! "next_in_chain" points preferentialy to the next node
! (if it exists), or to the prev node, or to null.
deleted => what
next_in_chain => null()
if (.not. associated(what)) return

if (associated(what%prev)) what%prev%next => what%next
if (associated(what%next)) what%next%prev => what%prev
if (associated(what%next)) then
next_in_chain => what%next
next_in_chain => what%prev
end if
end subroutine dllnode_remove

! ===============================
! Search for a particular node
! Move to the head of the chain
! Move to the tail of the chain
! ===============================

function dllnode_find(start, value) result(found)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: start
integer(DATA_KIND), intent(in) :: value(:)
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: found

type(dllnode_t), pointer :: current

if (size(value,1) /= size(mold%data,1)) &
error stop 'dllnode_find ERROR: wrong array size'
current => start
found => null()
if (.not. associated(current)) exit
if (all(dllnode_read(current)==value)) then
found => current
end if
current => current%next
end do
end function dllnode_find

function dllnode_head(start) result(head)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: start
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: head

head => start
if (.not. associated(head)) return
if (.not. associated(head%prev)) exit
head => head%prev
end do
end function dllnode_head

function dllnode_tail(start) result(tail)
type(dllnode_t), pointer, intent(in) :: start
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: tail

tail => start
if (.not. associated(tail)) return
if (.not. associated(tail%next)) exit
tail => tail%next
end do
end function dllnode_tail

end module dllnode_mod
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions test/check.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
program test_dll
implicit none
subroutine test1()
end subroutine test1
end interface
call test1()
end program test_dll

subroutine test1()
use dllnode_mod
implicit none

type(dllnode_t), pointer :: head, head1, deleted, next_in_chain, found
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: MAXN = 10

! Working with an empty list
head => null()
print '("Head export = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
print '("Tail node is = ",L)', associated(dllnode_tail(head))
print '("Head node is = ",L)', associated(dllnode_head(head))
print '("3 node is = ",L)', &

! Add nodes to the list
do i=1, MAXN
call dllnode_insertinfrontof( &
head, &
dllnode_t(int([i,i],DATA_KIND)), &
head => head1
print '("Head export = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
end do

if (associated(found)) then
call dllnode_update(found, int([42,42],DATA_KIND))
print '("[7] updated = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
print '("Could not find item to update")'
end if

! Test find, tail, head
print '("Tail node is = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_read(dllnode_tail(head))
print '("Head node is = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_read(dllnode_head(head))
print '("42 node is = ",*(i0,1x))', &

! Delete nodes from the list
do i=MAXN,1,-3
call dllnode_remove( &
if (associated(deleted, head)) head => next_in_chain
if (associated(deleted)) deallocate(deleted)
print '("After removing ",i0," remains = ",*(i0,1x))', i,dllnode_export(head)
end do

found => dllnode_find(head,int([42,42],DATA_KIND))
if (associated(found)) found => found%gonext()
if (associated(found)) print '("After 42 is ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_read(found)
found => dllnode_find(head,int([9,9],DATA_KIND))
if (associated(found)) found => found%goprev()
print '("Before [9] is ",L)', associated(found)
end subroutine test1

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