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This project provides data and code to reproduce the analysis results presented in Jamshidi A., et al., 2022. "Evaluation of Cell-Free DNA Approaches for Multi-Cancer Early Detection"

System requirements and installation

Follow instructions at to install R (version 4.1.2 was used for this analysis). The packages needed to reproduce the results have been captured with the package packrat. Pandoc version 2.5 was installed from This implementation was developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.

To install the required packages and render the anaysis markdown:

  1. Copy the contents of this package (Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022/) to the desired location (/YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022).

  2. cd into the project directory (/YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022), and start R.

  3. Install packrat:

  1. Initialize the packrat project:

Once this has completed, you must quit and restart R for the changes to take effect (

  1. After restarting R, confirm that the packrat library is being used by ensuring there is a startup message like:
Packrat mode on. Using library in directory:
- "/YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022/packrat/lib"

Alternatively, from the R console run .libPaths() and ensure that the packrat library is one of the paths (i.e., something like "/YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022/packrat/lib/x86_64-apple-darwin17.0/4.1.2" is included).

  1. Install all of the versioned dependencies from CRAN and Bioconductor via packrat:

Note some packages have dependencies on the user's local setup, and this may necessate troubleshooting if any R packages are not able to installed on the first attempt. For example, RcppArmadillo may require a user install of fortran. These dependencies will differ based on whether run on a Linux machine vs. Mac, which operating system is used, etc. The authors have confirmed that these R packages can be installed and the R markdown can be rendered on both Ubuntu 20.04.3 and macOS Monterey Version 12.5, though different user-specific local installations were required in both cases for all packages to be installed with packrat::restore().

  1. Render the R Markdown report containing figures and tables in the publication. Figures (pdf) are saved to /YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022/out/, and report .html is saved to /YOUR_LOCATION/Jamshidi_CCGA1_2022/Rmd/make_output.html.


All data required to reproduce the results are provided in the directory data. Each .tsv has a corresponding "dictionary" that contains definitions for each column.

  • chip_calls.tsv: Participant-level variant information between cfDNA and WBC gDNA.
  • clinical.tsv: Clinical data table.
  • lod.tsv: LOD estimates for each Classifier.
  • score_and_ctaf.tsv: Classifier score and circulating tumor allele fraction estimates.
  • score_cutoffs.tsv: Classifier score cutoffs.
  • scores_cnc.tsv: Cancer/Non-cancer Classifier scores for each participant.
  • scores_cso.tsv: Cancer Signal Origin Classifier scores for each participant.
  • snv_cfdna_assay.tsv: Sample level data for the SNV cfDNA assay.
  • snv_wbc_assay.tsv: Sample level data for the SNV WBC assay.
  • umap_df_training.tsv: UMAP components of the classifier scores for each participant.
  • variant_data_hexbin.tsv: 2D hex-binned data of variant allele frequencies (%) for WBC and cfDNA.
  • wgbs_assay.tsv: Sample level data for the WGBS cfDNA assay.
  • wgs_cfdna_assay.tsv: Sample level data for the WGS cfDNA assay.
  • wgs_wbc_assay.tsv: Sample level data for the WGS WBC assay.


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