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A Jsonnet based DSL for writing LogQL queries. This is useful for automatically creating dashboards on Grafana


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A Jsonnet based DSL for writing LogQL queries, inspired by promql-jsonnet. This is useful when creating Grafana dashboards using grafonnet. Instead of having to template strings manually, you can now use immutable builders to DRY out your LogQL queries.

API Reference and LogQL Support

Log Stream Selectors

LogQL Stream Selector Documentation

Operation Description
.withLabels(object) Accepts an object using the key as the label and the value as the value of the predicate, only uses equality =
Usage: .withLabels({cluster: "primary",region: 'us-east-1'})
.withLabel(label, op, value) Sets a single label selector, with specific arguments for the label, op and value
Usage: .withLabel('region', '!=','us-east-1')
.withLabel(object) The method is overloaded, and also accepts a single object as an argument the keys label, op and value.
Usage: .withLabel({label: 'region', op: '!=', value: 'us-east-1'})

Example Stream Selector Usage
    app: 'ecommerce',
    cluster: "primary",
    region: 'us-east-1',

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", region="us-east-1"}

To support a more fluent API, a single method of selector() is provided that returns an object of methods to chain from.

Operation Description
.eq(value) Generates a single label equality label selector
Usage: .selector('region').eq('us-east-1')
.neq(value) Generates a single label not equal label selector
Usage: .selector('region').neq('us-east-1')
.re(value) Generates a single label regular expression matches label selector
Usage: .selector('region').re('us-east-1')
.nre(value) Generates a single label not regular expression matches label selector
Usage: .selector('region').nre('us-east-1')

Example Stream Selector Fluent Usage

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster!="primary", env=~"dev|test", region!~"us-east-\\d+"}

Log Line Filters

LogQL Line Filter Documentation

Operation Description
.lineEq(text) Filters a line to ensure that the line contains the specified text.
Usage: .lineEq('error')
.lineNeq(text) Filters a line to ensure that the line does not contains the specified text.
Usage: .lineNeq('error')
.lineRe(text) Filters a line to ensure that the line matches the specified regular expression.
Usage: .lineRe('error')
.lineNre(text) Filters a line to ensure that the line does not match the specified regular expression.
Usage: .lineNre('error')

Example Line Filter Usage
    app: 'ecommerce',
    cluster: "primary",
    region: 'us-east-1',

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", region="us-east-1"}
|= `error`

To support a more fluent API, a single method of line() is provided that returns an object of methods to chain from.

Operation Description
.eq(value) Generates a single line contains filter
Usage: line().eq('error')
.neq(value) Generates a single line does not contains filter
Usage: line().neq('error')
.re(value) Generates a single line matches regular expression filter
Usage: line().re('error')
.nre(value) Generates a single line does not matchregular expression filter
Usage: line().nre('error')

Example Line Filter Fluent Usage

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster!="primary", env="prod"}
|~ `level=(error|warn)`

Parser Expressions

LogQL Parser Documentation

Operation Description
.json(labels?) Parses the log line as json, optionally extracting specific values and assigning to a label.
Usage: .json()
.logfmt(labels?) Parses the log line as logfmt, optionally extracting specific values and assigning to a label
Usage: .logfmt()
.pattern(pattern) Parses the line using the pattern parser extracting values and assigning to labels
Usage: .pattern('<_> level=<level> <_>')
.regex(pattern) Parses the line using the regex parser extracting placeholder values and assigning to labels
Usage: .regex('.+ level=(?P<level>[^ ]+) .+')

Example Parser Usage

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster!="primary", env="prod"}
|~ `level=(error|warn)`
| json

Label Filter Expressions

LogQL Label Filter Documentation

Operation Description
.labelEq(label, value) Performs an equal to check on a label and value.
Usage: .labelEq('status_code', 200)
.labelNeq(label, value) Performs a not equal to check on a label and value
Usage: .labelNeq('status_code', 200)
.labelGt(label, value) Performs a greater than check on a label and value
Usage: .labelGt('status_code', 200)
.labelGte(label, value) Performs a greater than or equal to check on a label and value
Usage: .labelGte('status_code', 200)
.labelLt(label, value) Performs a less than check on a label and value
Usage: .labelLt('status_code', 200)
.labelLte(label, value) Performs a less than or equal to check on label and value
Usage: .labelLte('status_code', 200)
.labelRe(label, value) Performs a regular expression match check on a label and value
Usage: .labelRe('status_code', '2..')
.labelNre(label, value) Performs a regular expression does not match check on a label and value
Usage: .labelNre('status_code', '2..')
.labelNoop(label) Adds just the label with no check, mainly used in drop / keep
Usage: .labelNoop('status_code')

Example Label Filter Usage
    app: 'ecommerce',
    cluster: 'primary',
    env: 'prod',
  .labelNeq('status_code', 200)

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster!="primary", env="prod"}
|~ `level=(error|warn)`
| json
| status_code != 200

To support a more fluent API, a single method of label(label) is provided that returns an object of methods to chain from.

Operation Description
.eq(value) Performs an equal to check on a label and value.
Usage: .label('status_code').eq(200)
.neq(value) Performs a not equal to check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').neq(200)
.gt(value) Performs a greater than check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').gt(200)
.gte(value) Performs a greater than or equal to check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').gte(200)
.lt(value) Performs a less than check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').lt(200)
.lte(value) Performs a less than or equal to check on label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').lte(200)
.re(value) Performs a regular expression match check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').re('2..')
.nre(value) Performs a regular expression does not match check on a label and value
Usage: .label('status_code').nre('2..')
.noop() Adds just the label with no check, mainly used in drop / keep
Usage: .label('status_code').noop()

Example Label Filter Fluent Usage

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster!="primary", env="prod"}
|~ `level=(error|warn)`
| json
| status_code != 200

Logical Operator Expressions

Operation Description
.and(exprs[]) Performs a logical and operation on the expressions
Usage: .and(['status_code == 200','response_time > 200ms'])
.or(exprs[]) Performs a logical or operation on the expressions
Usage: .or(['status_code == 200','response_time > 200ms'])

Example Logical Operator Usage
    app: 'ecommerce',
    cluster: "primary",
    region: 'us-east-1',
  .or(['status_code', 500).build(),'response_time', 100).build(),'critical', true).build()
  .and(['user', 'admin').build(),'method', 'GET').build()

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", region="us-east-1"}
| json
| (status_code == 500 or response_time > 100 or critical > true) and (user == `admin` and method != `GET`)

Formatting Expressions

LogQL Formatting Documentation

Operation Description
.line_format(format) Rewrites the log line content by using the text/template format
Usage: .line_format('{{ .request_method }}: {{ .status_code }}')
.lineFormat(format) Wrapper for .line_format()
Usage: .lineFormat('{{ .request_method }}: {{ .status_code }}')
.label_format(label, path) Renames, modifies or adds labels
Usage: .label_format('response_size', '{{ .response_size | lower }}')
.labelFormat(label, path) Wrapper for .label_format()
Usage: .labelFormat('response_size', '{{ .response_size | lower }}')
.decolorize() Strips ANSI sequences (color codes) from the line
Usage: .decolorize()
.drop(labels[]) Drops one or more labels or labels with a conditional check
Usage: .drop(['instance_id','host'])
.keep(labels[]) Keeps one or more labels or labels with a conditional check, dropping all other labels
Usage: .keep(['status_code', 'method', 'response_size', 'path'])

Example Label Filter Usage
  .line_format('{{ .request_method }}: {{ .status_code }} - {{ .path }}')
  .label_format('response_size', '{{ .response_size | lower }}')

// renders
{app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", env="dev|test"}
|~ `level=(error|warn)`
| json
| status_code != 200
| decolorize
| line_format `{{ .request_method }}: {{ .status_code }} - {{ .path }}`
| label_format response_size=`{{ .response_size | lower }}`
| keep instance, level, request_method==`GET`

Range Aggregation Expressions

LogQL Formatting Documentation

Operation Description
.rate(interval, resolution?, offset?) Calculates the number of entries per second
Usage: .rate('5m')
.count_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?) Counts the entries for each log stream within the given range
Usage: .count_over_time('5m')
.countOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for .count_over_time()
Usage: .countOverTime('5m')
.bytes_rate(interval, resolution?, offset?) Calculates the number of bytes per second for each stream.
Usage: .bytes_rate('5m')
.bytesRate(interval, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for .bytes_rate()
Usage: .bytesRate('5m')
.bytes_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?) Counts the amount of bytes used by each log stream for a given range
Usage: .bytes_over_time('5m')
.bytesOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for .bytes_over_time()
Usage: .bytesOverTime('5m')
.absent_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?) Returns an empty vector if the range vector passed to it has any elements and a 1-element vector with the value 1 if the range vector passed to it has no elements
Usage: .absent_over_time('5m')
.absentOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for .absent_over_time()
Usage: .absentOverTime('5m')

Example Range Aggregation Usage

// renders
  {app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", env="dev|test"}
  |~ `level=(error|warn)` [5m]

Unwrapped Range Aggregation Expressions

LogQL Formatting Documentation

Operation Description
.unwrap(label) Sets the label to unwrap for the aggregation. Unwrapped ranges uses extracted labels as sample values instead of log lines.
Usage: .unwrap('response_bytes')
.unwrap_duration(label) Unwraps the label and converts the value from a go duration format to seconds
Usage: .unwrap_duration('response_time')
.unwrapDuration(label) Wrapper for .unwrap_duration()
Usage: .unwrapDuration('response_time')
.unwrap_bytes(label) Unwraps the label and converts the value from a bytes unit to bytes
Usage: .unwrap_bytes('response_size')
.unwrapBytes(label) Wrapper for .unwrap_bytes()
Usage: .unwrapBytes('response_size')
.avg_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the average value of all points in the specified interval.
Usage: .avg_over_time('5m')
.avg_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for avg_over_time()
Usage: .avg_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.avg_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for avg_over_time()
Usage: .avg_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.avgOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for avg_over_time()
Usage: .avgOverTime('5m')
.avgOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for avg_over_time()
Usage: .avgOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.avgOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for avg_over_time()
Usage: .avgOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.min_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the minimum value of all points in the specified interval
Usage: .min_over_time('5m')
.min_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for min_over_time()
Usage: .min_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.min_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for min_over_time()
Usage: .min_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.minOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for min_over_time()
Usage: .minOverTime('5m')
.minOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for min_over_time()
Usage: .minOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.minOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for min_over_time()
Usage: .minOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.max_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the maximum value of all points in the specified interval.
Usage: .max_over_time('5m')
.max_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for max_over_time()
Usage: .max_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.max_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for max_over_time()
Usage: .max_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.maxOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for max_over_time()
Usage: .maxOverTime('5m')
.maxOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for max_over_time()
Usage: .maxOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.maxOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for max_over_time()
Usage: .maxOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.first_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the first value of all points in the specified interval
Usage: .first_over_time('5m')
.first_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for first_over_time()
Usage: .first_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.first_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for first_over_time()
Usage: .first_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.firstOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for first_over_time()
Usage: .firstOverTime('5m')
.firstOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for first_over_time()
Usage: .firstOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.firstOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for first_over_time()
Usage: .firstOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.last_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the last value of all points in the specified interval
Usage: .last_over_time('5m')
.last_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for last_over_time()
Usage: .last_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.last_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for last_over_time()
Usage: .last_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.lastOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for last_over_time()
Usage: .lastOverTime('5m')
.lastOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for last_over_time()
Usage: .lastOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.lastOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for last_over_time()
Usage: .lastOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.rate_counter(interval, resolution?, offset?) Calculates per second rate of the values in the specified interval and treating them as "counter metric"
Usage: .rate_counter('5m')
.rateCounter(interval, resolution?, offset?) c
Usage: .rate_counter('5m')
.stdvar_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the population standard variance of the values in the specified interval.
Usage: .stdvar_over_time('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
Wrapper for stdvar_over_time()
.stdvar_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stdvar_over_time()
Usage: .stdvar_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stdvarOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for stdvar_over_time()
Usage: .stdvarOverTime('5m')
.stdvarOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stdvar_over_time()
Usage: .stdvarOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stdvarOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stdvar_over_time()
Usage: .stdvarOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stddev_over_time(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the population standard deviation of the values in the specified interval.
Usage: .stddev_over_time('5m')
.stddev_over_time_by(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stddev_over_time()
Usage: .stddev_over_time_by('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stddev_over_time_without(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stddev_over_time()
Usage: .stddev_over_time_without('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stddevOverTime(interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for stddev_over_time()
Usage: .stddevOverTime('5m')
.stddevOverTimeBy(interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stddev_over_time()
Usage: .stddevOverTimeBy('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.stddevOverTimeWithout(interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for stddev_over_time()
Usage: .stddevOverTimeWithout('5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.quantile_over_time(quantile, interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Calculates the φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) of the values in the specified interval.
Usage: .quantile_over_time('0.95', '5m')
.quantile_over_time_by(quantile, interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for quantile_over_time()
Usage: .quantile_over_time_by('0.95', '5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.quantile_over_time_without(quantile, interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for quantile_over_time()
Usage: .quantile_over_time_without('0.95', '5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.quantileOverTime(quantile, interval, resolution?, offset?, by?, without?) Wrapper for quantile_over_time()
Usage: .quantileOverTime('0.95', '5m')
.quantileOverTimeBy(quantile, interval, by, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for quantile_over_time()
Usage: .quantileOverTimeBy('0.95', '5m', ['region', 'cluster'])
.quantileOverTimeWithout(quantile, interval, without, resolution?, offset?) Wrapper for quantile_over_time()
Usage: .quantileOverTimeWithout('0.95', '5m', ['region', 'cluster'])

Example Unwrapped Range Aggregation Usage

// renders
  {app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", region="us-east-1"}
  |= `error`
  | logfmt
  | unwrap bytes(response_size) [1h:5m]
) by (cluster, region)

Aggregation Expressions

LogQL Formatting Documentation

Operation Description
.sum(by?, without?) Calculate sum over labels
Usage: .sum()
.sum_by(by) Wrapper for sum(by=[])
Usage: .sumBy(['cluster', 'region'])
.sumBy(by) Wrapper for sum(by=[])
Usage: .sumBy(['cluster', 'region'])
.sum_without(without) Wrapper for sum(without=[])
Usage: .sumWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.sumWithout(without) Wrapper for sum(without=[])
Usage: .sumWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.avg(by?, without?) Calculate the average over labels
Usage: .avg()
.avg_by(by) Wrapper for avg(by=[])
Usage: .avgBy(['cluster', 'region')
.avgBy(by) Wrapper for avg(by=[])
Usage: .avgBy(['cluster', 'region')
.avg_without(without) Wrapper for avg(without=[])
Usage: .avgWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.avgWithout(without) Wrapper for avg(without=[])
Usage: .avgWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.min(by?, without?) Select minimum over labels
Usage: .min()
.min_by(by) Wrapper for min(by=[])
Usage: .minBy(['cluster', 'region')
.minBy(by) Wrapper for min(by=[])
Usage: .minBy(['cluster', 'region')
.min_without(without) Wrapper for min(without=[])
Usage: .minWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.minWithout(without) Wrapper for min(without=[])
Usage: .minWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.max(by?, without?) Select maximum over labels
Usage: .max()
.max_by(by) Wrapper for max(by=[])
Usage: .maxBy(['cluster', 'region')
.maxBy(by) Wrapper for max(by=[])
Usage: .maxBy(['cluster', 'region')
.max_without(without) Wrapper for max(without=[])
Usage: .maxWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.maxWithout(without) Wrapper for max(without=[])
Usage: .maxWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.stddev(by?, without?) Calculate the population standard deviation over labels
Usage: .stddev()
.stddev_by(by) Wrapper for stddev(by=[])
Usage: .stddevBy(['cluster', 'region')
.stddevBy(by) Wrapper for stddev(by=[])
Usage: .stddevBy(['cluster', 'region')
.stddev_without(without) Wrapper for stddev(without=[])
Usage: .stddevWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.stddevWithout(without) Wrapper for stddev(without=[])
Usage: .stddevWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.stdvar(by?, without?) Calculate the population standard variance over labels
Usage: .stdvar()
.stdvar_by(by) Wrapper for stdvar(by=[])
Usage: .stdvarBy(['cluster', 'region')
.stdvarBy(by) Wrapper for stdvar(by=[])
Usage: .stdvarBy(['cluster', 'region')
.stdvar_without(without) Wrapper for stdvar(without=[])
Usage: .stdvarWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.stdvarWithout(without) Wrapper for stdvar(without=[])
Usage: .stdvarWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.count(by?, without?) Count number of elements in the vector
Usage: .count()
.count_by(by) Wrapper for count(by=[])
Usage: .countBy(['cluster', 'region')
.countBy(by) Wrapper for count(by=[])
Usage: .countBy(['cluster', 'region')
.count_without(without) Wrapper for count(without=[])
Usage: .countWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.countWithout(without) Wrapper for count(without=[])
Usage: .countWithout(['cluster', 'region')
.topk(k, by?, without?) Select largest k elements by sample value
Usage: .topk(10)
.topk_by(k, by) Wrapper for .topk(k, by=[])
Usage: .topk_by(10, ['region'])
.topkBy(k, by) Wrapper for .topk(k, by=[])
Usage: .topkBy(10, ['region'])
.topk_without(k, without) Wrapper for .topk(k, without=[])
Usage: .topk_without(10, ['region'])
.topkWithout(k, without) Wrapper for .topk(k, without=[])
Usage: .topkWithout(10, ['region'])
.bottomk(k, by?, without?) Select smallest k elements by sample value
Usage: .bottomk(10)
.bottomk_by(k, by) Wrapper for .bottomk(k, by=[])
Usage: .bottomk_by(10, ['region'])
.bottomkBy(k, by) Wrapper for .bottomk(k, by=[])
Usage: .bottomkBy(10, ['region'])
.bottomk_without(k, without) Wrapper for .bottomk(k, without=[])
Usage: .bottomk_without(10, ['region'])
.bottomkWithout(k, without) Wrapper for .bottomk(k, without=[])
Usage: .bottomkWithout(10, ['region'])
.sort(by?, without?) returns vector elements sorted by their sample values, in ascending order.
Usage: .sort()
.sort_by(by) Wrapper for .sort(by=[])
Usage: .sort_by(['region', 'cluster'])
.sortBy(by) Wrapper for .sort(by=[])
Usage: .sortBy(['region', 'cluster'])
.sort_without(without) .sort(without=[])
Usage: .sort_without(['region', 'cluster'])
.sortWithout(without) .sort(without=[])
Usage: .sortWithout(['region', 'cluster'])
.sort_desc(by?, without?) Same as sort, but sorts in descending order.
Usage: .sort_desc()
.sortDesc(by?, without?) Wrapper for .sort_desc()
Usage: .sortDesc()
.sort_desc_by(by) Wrapper for .sort_desc(by=[])
Usage: .sort_desc_by(['region', 'cluster'])
.sortDescBy(by) Wrapper for .sort_desc(by=[])
Usage: sortDescBy(['region', 'cluster'])
.sort_desc_without(without) Wrapper for .sort_desc(without=[])
Usage: .sort_desc_without(['region', 'cluster'])
.sortDescWithout(without) Wrapper for .sort_desc(without=[])
Usage: .sortDescWithout(['region', 'cluster'])

Example Aggregations Usage

// renders
  sum by (region, cluster) (
      {app="ecommerce", cluster="primary", region="us-east-1"} |= `error` [1m]


A Jsonnet based DSL for writing LogQL queries. This is useful for automatically creating dashboards on Grafana



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