Micro Jobs is a small platform that allows users to offer or to request services in return for money. Look here for the front-end project.
- Java 8+
- Spring Boot (... +Spring Security)
- ModelMapper
- Hibernate
- Spring JPA
- Liquibase
- PostgreSQL
- Mockito + JUnit
- Gradle
- Docker
- Git
- user login (JWT)
- user logout
- user registration
- refresh token
- view requests/offers
- insert requests/offers
- paginated requests/offers
- picture upload
- admin: approve post
- message module: write/read DM between users
- infinite scrolling in DM
- microjob status
- user rating
- code testing with Mockito
- ...wip
sudo docker-compose up -d
The server will be reachable on port 8080
username: admin
password: Micr@J@bs
If you want to get some information, feel free to contact me.