🔥 A general version manager for thousands of SDKs with TUI inspired by lazygit. No need to remember any commands. Less bugs.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 一款开箱即用的 Vue 中后台管理系统框架,支持多款 UI 组件库,兼容PC、移动端。vue-admin, vue-element-admin, vue后台, 后台系统, 后台框架, 管理后台, 管理系统
GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
An all-in-one observability solution which aims to combine the advantages of Prometheus and Grafana. It manages alert rules and visualizes metrics, logs, traces in a beautiful web UI.
Stable Diffusion web UI
A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
一言开源社区官方提供的语句库,系 数据库打包集合。语句接口默认使用此库。
快图设计-基于fabric.js和Vue的开源图片编辑器,可自定义字体、素材、设计模板。fabric.js and Vue based image editor, can customize fonts, materials, design templates.
GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence…
Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系
C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework
Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop applicati…
Cross platform rapid GUI framework for golang based on Dear ImGui.
go 实现的压测工具,ab、locust、Jmeter压测工具介绍【单台机器100w连接压测实战】
🔎Sniffing and parsing mysql,redis,http,mongodb etc protocol. 抓包截取项目中的数据库请求并解析成相应的语句。
A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity.
Feature-filled Bittorrent client based on the Azureus open source project