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A Documentation Website for Gosling

This is a repository for the official documentation of the Gosling project. The documentation is hosted at http:


yarn install
yarn start

The above commands will install all dependencies, start a local development server, and open a web browser. Most changes will be reflected live without having to restart the server.

This website uses assets/gosling.schema.json to generate property tables. You can run the following command if you want to update the property tables based on the updated Gosling schema in your local copy of gosling-lang/gosling.js. This assumes your local copies of gosling-lang/gosling-website and gosling-lang/gosling.js are in the same directory.

cd assets


yarn build

The above command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.


The Gosling-Website is deployed to AWS S3 BUCKET http: using this GitHub Workflow.

The deployment is triggered when a push is made to the main branch.


├── versions.json        # file to indicate what versions are available
├── docs                 # the current underdevelopment docs, available at
│   ├── foo
│   └──        
├── versioned_docs
│   ├── version-0.9.30   # the latest version, available at
│   │   ├──  
│   │   └──
│   └── version-0.9.20   # an older version, available at
│       ├── foo
│       └──
├── sidebars.json        # sidebar for the current underdevelopment docs 
└── versioned_sidebars
    ├── version-0.9.30-sidebars.json
    └── version-0.9.20-sidebars.json

We edit any documents under ./docs whenever we make changes to gosling.js. When we are sure that the current docs (/docs) is ready to be deployed (typically, when we bump a minor version of gosling.js), the following script should be run:

yarn run tag_version x.x.x

This command:

  • Copy the full ./docs folder contents into a new versioned_docs/version-<x.x.x> folder;
  • Create a versioned sidebars file based on your current sidebar configuration, if exists, such as versioned_sidebars/version-<x.x.x>-sidebars.json; and
  • Append the new version number to versions.json.