I love the design of lofi.co
and I want to keep it alive even after it shuts down.
- LofiAI
...and maybe even more things but I don't know yet.
Since lofi.co
will shut down, their assets at https://lofico.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com
will probably also shut down - not sure about that though.
To prevent losing any of those assets, I've dumped and mirrored them at https://lofi-co-assets.vexcited.com
. You can spin up your own assets mirror by serving these dumps from Google Drive. Each .zip
file is a folder, you can use the directory listing of my mirror as reference.
Create a file .env.local
. The contents will depend if you use cloud or locally hosted assets.
# Cloud
# Local
After creating .env.local
, install the dependencies and run the local server with npm
or pnpm
npm install
npm run dev
Download the assets from Google Drive and unzip them under a directory named web_assets
at the root of the project.
Then, you can use Docker compose to run both the assets web server and the development server with listening changes:
docker compose up --build --watch
Or run them in separate terminals with a static file server like live-server.
Terminal 1:
npm install -g live-server
live-server ./web_assets --no-browser --port=8080
Terminal 2:
npm run dev