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Welcome to Artly - Automated Repository Tool

Artly is a small utility for creating simple signed Debian repositories using unattended automation. This tool was created to work around some pain points of using APTLY repository manager and GPG together.

What Artly can do for you:

  • Create Debian repositories using GPG keys without having to manage GPG keyrings manually.
  • Take the pain out of generating GPG keys and keryrings by handling it trasparent to the user and generating the keys with reasonable defaults.
  • Allow you to do everything on the command line without any prompts so it can be easily used in automation.
  • Create repositories from Debian packages located both on disk as well as those that need to be downloaded first over HTTP/FTP protocols.
  • Document Artly generated repositories with READMEs and HTML indexes containing repository setup instructions.
  • Push repositories to GitHub Enterprise (or to be serverd by GitHub Pages.


If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, a working demo should be worth at least a 1,000,000.

Checkout the demo repository that was created by Artly in 3 minutes following the instructions in Quickstart and Publishing the Debian Repository to GitHub Pages below.


Currently supported installation of Artly is via git clone of this repository. Artly has only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 but should work on most Linux distributions that have coreutils, bash4.3 and up, findutils, grep, sed and few other utilities installed. You will need to install APTLY repository manager.

  1. Install APTLY using official instructions here:

  2. Clone the Artly repostory

    $ git clone
    $ cd artly
  3. Print out which packages you will need as prerequisites of Artly

    $ ./artly --ubuntu-packages

    If you trust the output then you can run the install with sudo.

    sudo $(./artly --ubuntu-packages)


Let's create some keys and a create a small Debian repository with 3 different Debian sources: local package, local folder containing multiple packages and URLs to 2 Debian packages.

  1. Install Artly using git clone method

    Clone the repository:

    $ git clone \ \

    Install pre-requisites on Ubuntu.

    sudo $(/tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly --ubuntu-packages)

    At the end of the installation process you should be inside /tmp/artly_demo/ folder and be able to run Artly using /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly command.

  2. Create demo playground folder.

    $ mkdir \
        --parents \
    $ cd /tmp/artly_demo
  3. Download local packages, place one of them in debian_packages folder itself, and the rest in debian_packages/folder.

    $ mkdir \
        --parent \
    $ wget \
        --no-clobber \
        --directory-prefix "/tmp/artly_demo/debian_packages" \
    $ wget \
        --no-clobber \
        --directory-prefix "/tmp/artly_demo/debian_packages/folder" \ \ \ \ \ \
  4. Create new GPG keys using Artly and place it in /tmp/artly_demo/keys folder.

    Let's generate the GPG key using Artly with our demo name, comment and email. The key is set to expire after 1 year.

    $ /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly make-key \
        --output-folder /tmp/artly_demo/keys \
        --name-real "Art Ly" \
        --name-comment "Key used to sign Artly demo debian repository" \
        --name-email "[email protected]" \
        --expire-date 1y
      Created output folder: /tmp/artly_demo/keys
      Created work folder: /tmp/artly-make-key.ZdqbU4cobW
      Available entropy: 2123
      If you entropy is low this may take a while. Make sure you have "haveged" service running
      Shredded and removed work folder: /tmp/artly-make-key.ZdqbU4cobW
      Private key: /tmp/artly_demo/keys/private.asc
      Public key : /tmp/artly_demo/keys/public.asc
      KeyID      : B3DD55841FD14286
      KeyID file : /tmp/artly_demo/keys/keyid
      GPG version: gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.11

    You can see your keys here (please note the user only has read/write permissions on the private key file):

    $ ls -lh --time-style=+ /tmp/artly_demo/keys
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   17  keyid
    -rw------- 1 user user 5.6K  private.asc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 3.8K  public.asc
  5. Create Debian repository named artly-demo with main component for xenial distribution in /tmp/artly_demo/repository and sign it with ./keys/private.asc public key.

    $ /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly make-debian-repository \
        --output-folder /tmp/artly_demo/repository \
        --name "artly-demo" \
        --distribution "xenial" \
        --component "main" \
        --secret-key-file /tmp/artly_demo/keys/private.asc \
        --package-location "/tmp/artly_demo/debian_packages/folder" \
        --package-location "/tmp/artly_demo/debian_packages/python-support_1.0.14ubuntu2_all.deb" \
        --package-url ""
      Created work folder: /tmp/artly-make-debian-repository.TcOJOl9btX
      Saving to: `/tmp/artly-make-debian-repository.TcOJOl9btX/packages_source/salt-doc_0.16.4-1precise_all.deb`
      100%[=================================================================================>] 3,479,210 in 9.5s
      Created output folder: /tmp/artly_demo/repository
      Shredded and removed work folder: /tmp/artly-make-debian-repository.TcOJOl9btX
      Repository Name            : artly-demo
      Repository Component       : main
      Repository Distribution    : xenial
      Repository Architectures   : amd64,i386,all,source
      Repository Folder          : /tmp/artly_demo/repository
      Repository Label           :
      Repository Origin          :
      GPG version                : gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.11
      Public Key                 : /tmp/artly_demo/repository/public.asc
      Repository Package Count   : 7

    You can see content of the repository and the public key here:

    $ ls -lh --time-style=+ /tmp/artly_demo/repository
      drwxrwxr-x 3 user user 4.0K  dists
      drwxrwxr-x 3 user user 4.0K  pool
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 3.8K  public.asc
  6. Publishing the repository

    You can now publish your repository in a number of ways:

    1. Publishing the Debian Repository to a Local Apache Server
    2. Publishing the Debian Repository to GitHub Pages

Publishing the Debian Repository to a Local Apache Server

  1. Install Apache2 server.

    Install apache2 server package

       $ sudo apt-get install apache2
    Make sure it is running
    $ sudo service apache2 status
      * apache2 is running
  2. Document your repository with READMes for use by humans.

    $ /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly document-debian-repository \
        --source-folder /tmp/artly_demo/repository \
        --output-folder /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository \
        --name "salt16" \
        --title "Salt 16 Debian Repository" \
        --url "https://localhost/salt16-debian-repository" \
        --public-key-url "https://localhost/salt16-debian-repository/public.asc" \
        --package "salt-master salt-minion" \
        --style "html"
    Created output folder: /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository
    Created work folder: /tmp/artly-document-debian-repository.1KwNstl80Z
    Removed work folder: /tmp/artly-document-debian-repository.1KwNstl80Z
    Repository Name            :  salt16
    Repository Title           :  Salt 16 Debian Repository
    Repository Folder          :  /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository
    Repository URL             :  https://localhost/salt16-debian-repository
    Repository Public Key URL  :  https://localhost/salt16-debian-repository/public.asc
    Repository KeyServer/KeyID :
    Repository Package         :  salt-master salt-minion
    Style                      :  html

    Instructions here are for basic, INSECURE, non-HTTPS hosting. While that is fine for the repository itself as it is signed by the GPG key, the Public GPG key itself should be hosted on HTTPS server to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

    If your key is hosted on a GPG keyserver you can also use the --key-server-keyid options to provide a KeyServer and KeyID.

  3. Copy the Debian repostitory into the Apache root.

    $ sudo cp \
        --recursive \
        --force \
        /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository \
  4. You can now add the hosted repository to your Debian/Ubuntu based machine

    Visit https://localhost/salt16-debian-repository using your browser and follow the instructions on the page to add your repository to your machine.

    Warning:https://localhost is specific to your machine. If you wish others to access your repository you will need to make Apache available to the outside. (It probably is by default, so watch out)
  5. Optionally, publish your repository to GitHub Pages

    See section: Publishing the Debian Repository to GitHub Pages

Publishing the Debian Repository to GitHub Pages

Artly provides a publish-git command which allows easy push to Git. Combined with document-debian-repository --style 'github-pages' command you can generate a repo on GitHub Pages.

  1. Login to your account at using a browser

  2. Create a new repository on named salt16-debian-repository

    Warning:Use a new repository and be aware that every time publish-git command runs it uses git push --force destroying all the content and the commit history.

    See Official Documentation on creating Github Repositories:

  3. Make sure you have all the necessary configuration and permissions to use git to push to commit to your GitHub repository.

    Consult official documentation if you are not sure how.

  4. Export your GitHub username into the MY_GITHUB_USERNAME variable below. Replace "<username> with your username.

    $ export MY_GITHUB_USERNAME="<username>"

    For example, my username is goodwillcoding so my export command is

    $ export MY_GITHUB_USERNAME="goodwillcoding"
  5. Document your repository with READMes for use by humans using GitHub Pages style (--style "github-page") argument.

    $ /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly document-debian-repository \
        --source-folder /tmp/artly_demo/repository \
        --output-folder /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository.github \
        --name "salt16" \
        --title "Salt 16 Debian Repository" \
        --url "https://${MY_GITHUB_USERNAME}" \
        --public-key-url "https://${MY_GITHUB_USERNAME}" \
        --package "salt-master salt-minion" \
        --style "github-pages"
    Created output folder: /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository.github
    Created work folder: /tmp/artly-document-debian-repository.PMfEe1aOox
    Removed work folder: /tmp/artly-document-debian-repository.PMfEe1aOox
    Repository Name            :  salt16
    Repository Title           :  Salt 16 Debian Repository
    Repository Folder          :  /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository.github
    Repository URL             :
    Repository Public Key URL  :
    Repository KeyServer/KeyID :
    Repository Package         :  salt-master salt-minion
    Style                      :  github-pages
  6. Push the Debian repository to your GitHub repository. You will need to replace <username> in the command with your

    $ /tmp/artly_demo/artly/artly publish-git \
        --source-folder /tmp/artly_demo/salt16-debian-repository.github \
        --git-uri "[email protected]:${MY_GITHUB_USERNAME}/salt16-debian-repository.git" \
        --author "${MY_GITHUB_USERNAME}" \
        --email "${MY_GITHUB_USERNAME}" \
        --message "Salt 16 Debian Repository"
  7. Publish your Debian repository to GitHub Pages itself.


    Configuring repository to publish to GitHub Pages as described below only need to be done ONCE as settings are retained.

    Go to salt16-debian-repository.git repository settings, scroll to GitHub Pages section.

    For GitHub Pages Source pick master branch from the dropdown and press safe.

    It will take a couple of minutes for the your repository's GitHub Pages to be built.

  8. Add the hosted repository to your Debian/Ubuntu based machine

    Visit https://<username> using your browser and follow the instructions on the page to add your repository to your machine.

Security Concerns

GPG keys generated by Artly are not password protected:

Artly targeted usage is creating repositories using unattended automation. Such automation should take place in a relatively controlled and secure environment. Even if the private key is password protected the passphrase is likely to be as easily accessed as the password file used to unlock the key if the system it is on is compromised.

In such cases GPG revoke certificates should be used to mitigate issues of a compromised key.


This may not be true for systems that use secret management software like HashiCorp Vault, Amazon KMS or Square's KeyWiz and may need to re-adressed.

GPG keys are put in temporary folders during Artly workflow:

Artly workflow includes creation of keys and keyrings which are placed, for a short period of time, in temporary work folders. The work folders are randomly named and created inside /tmp which is traditionally open to many users and processes.

Additionally some of Artly's commands, such as make-key, place keys in the output folders in case of a successful run.

To mitigate some of these security concerns Artly does the following:

  1. All GPG work folders and keys permissions are set to 600 as required by GPG itself. The same is true for private keys placed in the output folders.
  2. The shred command is used to destroy all sensitive key and keyring files.
  3. Artly tries hard to shred and remove work folders in case of both sucessfull and unsuccessful runs unless the --debug argument is specified.
  4. Artly provides the --work-folder argument to all commands in case you specify own work folder and avoid creating folders in /tmp.


Artly is named in the fashion of APT and APTLY utilities. It stands for Automated Repository Tool.

At present, Artly uses aptly repo publish only to create the repository and does not keep any APTLY information used during generation.


Welcome to Artly - Automated Repository Tool







No packages published