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Docker Pure-ftpd Server

Forked from stilliard/docker-pure-ftpd

Docker Build Status Docker Pulls FOSSA Status

Pull down latest version with docker:

docker pull octera/pure-ftpd-ldap:hardened

Often needing to run as sudo, e.g. sudo docker pull octera/pure-ftpd-ldap

If you want to make changes, my advice is to either change the run command when running it or extend this image to make any changes rather than forking the project.
This is because rebuilding the entire docker image via a fork can be very slow as it rebuilds the entire pure-ftpd package from source.

To change the command run on start you could use the command: option if using docker-compose, or with docker run directly you could use:

docker run --rm -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 octera/pure-ftpd-ldap:hardened bash / -c 30 -C 10 -l ldap:/ldap/ldap.conf -E -j -R -P localhost -p 30000:30059

To extend it you can create a new project with a DOCKERFILE like so:

FROM octera/pure-ftpd-ldap

# e.g. you could change the defult command run:
CMD / -c 30 -C 10 -l ldap:/ldap/ldap.conf -E -j -R -P $PUBLICHOST -p 30000:30059

Then you can build your own image, docker build --rm -t my-pure-ftp ., where my-pure-ftp is the name you want to build as

Starting it

docker run -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e "PUBLICHOST=localhost" octera/pure-ftpd-ldap:hardened

Or for your own image, replace octera/pure-ftpd-ldap with the name you built it with, e.g. my-pure-ftp

You can also pass ADDED_FLAGS as an env variable to add additional options such as --tls to the pure-ftpd command.
e.g. -e "ADDED_FLAGS=--tls=2"

Operating it

docker exec -it ftpd_server /bin/bash

Setting runtime FTP user

To create a user on the ftp container, use the following environment variables: FTP_USER_NAME, FTP_USER_PASS and FTP_USER_HOME.

FTP_USER_HOME is the root directory of the new user.

Example usage:

docker run -e FTP_USER_NAME=bob -e FTP_USER_PASS=12345 -e FTP_USER_HOME=/home/bob octera/pure-ftpd-ldap

If you wish to set the UID & GID of the FTP user, use the FTP_USER_UID & FTP_USER_GID environment variables.

Using different passive ports

To use passive ports in a different range (eg: 10000-10009), use the following setup:

docker run -e FTP_PASSIVE_PORTS=10000:10009 --expose=10000-10009 -p 21:21 -p 10000-10009:10000-10009

You may need the --expose= option, because default passive ports exposed are 30000 to 30009.

Test your connection

From the host machine:

ftp -p localhost 21

Docker compose

Docker compose can help you simplify the orchestration of your containers.
We have a simple example of the docker compose.

Max clients

By default we set 5 max clients at once, but you can increase this by using the following environment variable FTP_MAX_CLIENTS, e.g. to FTP_MAX_CLIENTS=50 and then also increasing the number of public ports opened from FTP_PASSIVE_PORTS=30000:30009 FTP_PASSIVE_PORTS=30000:30099. You'll also want to open those ports when running docker run. In addition you can specify the maximum connections per ip by setting the environment variable FTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS. By default the value is 5.

All Pure-ftpd flags available:


To get verbose logs add the following to your docker run command:

-e "ADDED_FLAGS=-d -d"

Then if you exec into the container you could watch over the log with tail -f /var/log/messages

Want a transfer log file? add the following to your docker run command:

-e "ADDED_FLAGS=-O w3c:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log"

Tags available for different versions

Latest versions

Check the tags on github for available versions, feel free to submit issues and/or pull requests for newer versions

Our default pure-ftpd options explained

/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd # path to pure-ftpd executable
-c 5 # --maxclientsnumber (no more than 5 people at once)
-C 5 # --maxclientsperip (no more than 5 requests from the same ip)
-l ldap:/ldap/ldap.conf # --login (login file for virtual users)
-E # --noanonymous (only real users)
-j # --createhomedir (auto create home directory if it doesnt already exist)
-R # --nochmod (prevent usage of the CHMOD command)
-P $PUBLICHOST # IP/Host setting for PASV support, passed in your the PUBLICHOST env var
-p 30000:30009 # PASV port range (10 ports for 5 max clients)
-tls 1 # Enables optional TLS support

For more information please see man pure-ftpd, or visit:

Why so many ports opened?

This is for PASV support, please see: #5 PASV not fun :)

Docker Volumes

There are a few spots onto which you can mount a docker volume to configure the server and persist uploaded data. It's recommended to use them in production.

  • /home/ftpusers/ The ftp's data volume (by convention).
  • /ldap/ A directory containing the single ldap.conf file which contains the information to connect with ldap
  • /etc/ssl/private/ A directory containing a single pure-ftpd.pem file with the server's SSL certificates for TLS support. Optional TLS is automatically enabled when the container finds this file on startup.
  • /secret/ a volume with tls.key & tls.cert file from cert-manager in kubernetes env

Development (via git clone)

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd docker-pure-ftpd-ldap
# Build the image
make build
# Run container in background:
make run
# enter a bash shell inside the container:
make enter
# test that it's all working with
make test


If you want to enable tls (for ftps connections), you need to have a valid certificate. You can get one from one of the certificate authorities that you'll find when googling this topic. The certificate (containing private key and certificate) needs to be at:


Use docker volumes to get the certificate there at runtime. The container will automatically enable optional TLS when it detect the file at this location.

You can also self-sign a certificate, which is certainly the easiest way to start out. Self signed certificates come with certain drawbacks, but it might be better to have a self signed one than none at all.

Here's how to create a self-signed certificate from within the container:

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private
openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd-dhparams.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout \
    /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem \
    -out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/*.pem

TLS in Kubernetes

Mount a /secret volume pointed out the secret from cert manager, it will automacally create /secret/tls.key & /secret/tls.cert. The file will do the rest in order to create the /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem file

Automatic TLS certificate generation

If ADDED_FLAGS contains --tls and file /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem does not exists it is possible to generate self-signed certificate if TLS_CN, TLS_ORG and TLS_C are set.

Keep in mind that if no volume is set for /etc/ssl/private/ directory generated certificates won't be persisted and new ones will be generated on each start.

You can also pass -e "TLS_USE_DSAPRAM=true" for faster generated certificates though this option is not recommended for production.


Thanks for the help on stackoverflow with this!

Also thanks to all the awesome contributors that have made this project amazing!


FOSSA Status


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  • Shell 35.4%
  • Dockerfile 33.8%
  • Makefile 30.8%