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Closed Jun 4, 2017 100% complete

The following API features are targeted for the 1.0 release:

  • Basic Auth & Cookie Auth
  • All basic Doc handling functionality (PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, HEAD)
  • All basic Attachment handling functionality
  • View query support
  • MongoDB-style find query support
  • Get/Set security document
  • Replication

The following backends are targeted for the 1.0 release:

  • CouchDB 1…

The following API features are targeted for the 1.0 release:

  • Basic Auth & Cookie Auth
  • All basic Doc handling functionality (PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, HEAD)
  • All basic Attachment handling functionality
  • View query support
  • MongoDB-style find query support
  • Get/Set security document
  • Replication

The following backends are targeted for the 1.0 release:

  • CouchDB 1.6.1
  • CouchDB 2.0.0
  • PouchDB 6.x

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.