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Tor Proxy Docker Image

A Docker image with a tor proxy and nyx to control it. This image is build using Tor Project apt repository.

Build image

To build the image you will need to edit the .env-dist file with your prefered setup

cp .env-dist .env
nano .env

Run docker-compose config and check that everything looks good. To build the image using docker-compose you can do

docker compose build

Or with docker build

docker build --build-arg APT_PROXY="https://aptcacher:3142" \
--build-arg UID="$(id -u)" \
--build-arg GID="$(id -g)" \
-t gnzsnz/torproxy:latest .

UID and GID are used to map the host user to the debian-tor user in the container. The image volumes will be use this UID and GID.

APT_PROXY will be used if it's set. If the argument is empty the container will contact ubuntu and tor project apt repositories directly.

Run torproxy container

Simplest way would be docker compose up, you might modify the docker-compose.yml file provided.

Or alternatevely with

docker run -it gnzsnz/torproxy:latest torproxy

Test that is actually working

docker compose ps should show something like this. You are looking for State "healthy"

  Name                Command                 State               Ports
torproxy   /usr/bin/tini -- /usr/bin/tor   Up (healthy)>9050/tcp

To test a proxy connection you can run from the host or a computer that can connect to the proxy

# no tor proxy

# test tor proxy
curl --socks5

Setting up Tor

You can modify tor settings by update the torrc file provided in forlder 'etc'.

For example you might want to modify these lines to fit your needs

# Allow local network
SOCKSPolicy accept
# Allow docker containers
SOCKSPolicy accept

Torrc file will be stored in tor_etc volume. Once the image is build and the torrc file stored in the volume you will need to modify the file directly in the container. For ex

docker exec -it torproxy nano /etc/tor/torrc


docker cp etc/torrc torproxy:/etc/tor/torrc

to copy an updated version to the container.


Setting up hidden services

To setup a hidden service you will need to modify torrc file. You can either use as a template the hidden_service.conf provided in directory etc/torrc.d

you can uncomment line %include /etc/tor/torrc.d/*.conf to include hidden service setup in etc/torrc.d

Hidden service keys will be stored in volumen tor_service. You can import existing keys by coping the files in the hidden_services folder. Those keys will be used while the image is build. For a running container, you can copy files using docker cp


Setting up nyx

Nyx is setup in the torproxy docker container. A default config file is availabe in folder nyx. You can adjust it's values before build, or directly in the container. By default nyx will use cookie authentication.

To run nyx you need to docker exec -it torproxy nyx

Once you are connected to nyx you can control your tor client, configuration and services.


Clean up

To clean up everything

docker compose down --rmi all -v