pip install transformers, datasets, text_attack
To attack a BERT model, MANGO requires a causal language model trained on the BERT tokenizer, provided in GBDA official repository. Before the attack, please run the following script to download the model from the Amazon S3 bucket:
curl https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/text-adversarial-attack/transformer_wikitext-103.pth -o transformer_wikitext-103.pth
For instance, to run MANGO on AG News dataset on first 1000 samples, run:
python run_attack.py --attack recipes/white-box/mango.py --dataset ag_news --seed 0 --chunk_id 0 --chunk_size 1000
To retrieve basic results from previous example attack on AG News, run:
python retrieve_results.py -d results/ag_news/white-box/mango_0 --device cuda
The repository is clone of GBDA official repository. Please cite [1] if you found the resources in this repository useful.
[1] C. Guo *, A. Sablayrolles *, Herve Jegou, Douwe Kiela. Gradient-based Adversarial Attacks against Text Transformers. EMNLP 2021.
title={Gradient-based Adversarial Attacks against Text Transformers},
author={Guo, Chuan and Sablayrolles, Alexandre and Jégou, Hervé and Kiela, Douwe},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13733},