A tiny, scalar-valued, reverse mode automatic differentiation library inspired by PyTorch and Andrej Karpathy's micrograd.
has been designed to educate myself, and to serve as a building block for
further experimentation (e.g. source code transformation, tape-based autodiff, ...).
There's no performance optimizations, and the current code won't scale past toy datasets. The construction of a dynamic graph of derivatives is heavy on heap allocations, and the backward adjoint gradients calculation step requires a linear ordering of the nodes.The latter is achieved by a modified depth-first search on the graph (e.g. a topological sort). A good overview of this approach can be found in UWashington CSE599W lecture notes https://dlsys.cs.washington.edu/pdf/lecture4.pdf
Build with
./gradlew build
This sections contains two basic examples of scalagrad
in action. More can be found under tests
The code below shows how to compute the derivative of the expression z = x * y + sin(x)
import scalagrad.Var
val x = Var(0.5)
val y = Var(4.2)
val z = x * y + sin(x)
The code below shows how to train a 2-layers neural network to solve the Friedman1 regression problem.
import scalagrad.Var
import scalagrad.dataset.Friedman1
import scalagrad.loss.MSE
import scalagrad.network.Perceptron
val randomState = Some(12345)
val dataset = new Friedman1(numberOfSamples=100, randomState = randomState)
val model = Perceptron(2, List(16, 16, 1), randomState = randomState) // A 2-layers neural network
val optim = GradientDescent(model.parameters.toSeq)
val X = dataset.X.map(v => v.map(f => Var(f)))
val y = dataset.y.map(y => Var(y))
(0 until epochs).foreach(_ => {
val output = X.map(x => model(x))
val loss = MSE(y, output)
val regularization = model.parameters.map(p => p**2).reduce(_ + _) * Var(1e-4)
val lossFunction = loss + regularization
- https://rufflewind.com/2016-12-30/reverse-mode-automatic-differentiation
- Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey, Bayding et. al. 2015.https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05767
- The Stan Math Library: Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation in C++, Carpenter et. al. 2015. https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.07164