AMD & NVIDIA eGPUs for all Thunderbolt Macs.
Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support.
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
🖼️ An Almost Ideal React Image Component
🌐Generate a sphere covered (mostly) in hexagons.
A curated list of awesome Webpack resources, libraries and tools
Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development.
App for generating stylelint config online
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
ES3 Shim for the MutationObserver interface via DOM diffing.
TremulaJS: Picture Streams + Momentum Engine + Bézier Paths + Multi-Device
🏰 An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence
A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.
A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
Google Chrome DevTools extension to live edit WebGL GLSL shaders
LostGrid is a powerful grid system built in PostCSS that works with any preprocessor and even vanilla CSS.
Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
JS-фреймворк для написания изоморфных приложений со сложной бизнес-логикой и высокосвязными интерфейсами
Pre-grid responsive layout toolkit for Sass, now deprecated
Sass.js - API for emscripted libsass to run in the browser
JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions. (THIS PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE)
💀 An ancient tiny JS and CSS loader from the days before everyone had written one. Unmaintained.