Json Formatter for the standard python logger
Standard Go Project Layout
Instrument your FastAPI with Prometheus metrics.
Вопросы для подготовки к интервью на позицию Python Developer
Consul for KrakenD. Component from @letgoapp
Kotlin code completion, diagnostics and more for any editor/IDE using the Language Server Protocol
Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
Celery worker pool with support for asyncio coroutines as tasks
personal neovim configuration as a Docker image. (I don't use this anymore. Feel free to fork it if you need to)
CLI client for Couchbase KV Engine written in Golang
Simple way for creating telegram bots with deep level menu
Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork
Orchis is a [Material Design]( theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments.
Модуль для создания скриптов для ВКонтакте | API wrapper