The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React / Angular / Vue / Plain JavaScript.
OpenAPI/Swagger UI document, quickly generate mock params and call api, also simplified postman tool. 基于 OpenAPI/Swagger 规范的接口文档,快速模拟请求参数并调用接口,也是简化版 postman 工具,欢迎提功能请求、bug
用于生成NovelAI、stable-diffusion-webui 的标签并支持对数据进行管理。
Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
a userscript to generate forever for a novel site
✨ NovelAI api python sdk, easy to use, modern and user-friendly.
基于Claude3.5/GPT4 + NovelAI V3,使用自然语言让NAI3出图的同时以自定义人格与用户聊天。同时支持随机画风生成和随机同人图生成。
A fast and powerful image/video browser for Stable Diffusion webui / ComfyUI / Fooocus / NovelAI / StableSwarmUI, featuring infinite scrolling and advanced search capabilities using image parameter…
NovelAI Diffusion generator for ComfyUI
带有 WebUI 的 NovelAI 量产工具, 实现了批量文生图; 批量图生图; 视频转绘; 分块重绘; 批量 Vibe; 批量局部重绘; 批量超分降噪; 批量自动打码; 批量添加水印; 批量上传 Pixiv; 图片筛选; 批量抹除, 还原或导出生成信息; 法术解析; 多模型反推提示词; ChatGPT; 动态加载插件; 自动 roll 画风串; 批量 Enhance; tag选择器; 涂…
A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
CodeGeeX2: A More Powerful Multilingual Code Generation Model
A series of code large language models developed by PKU-KCL
An intelligent coding assistant plugin for Visual Studio Code, developed based on CodeShell
Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
A customizable and easy-to-use data table component made with Vue.js 3.x
Mobile web component library based on Svelte and Tailwind
Tools and instructions for importing custom models into a certain anime game
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
基于小程序 DSL(微信、支付宝)的,可扩展的多端研发框架,支持一键将微信或支付宝小程序转换为微信、支付宝、百度、字节、QQ、快手、淘宝、钉钉等小程序 或 Web 应用。