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Drupal 8 docker based on PHP base image for Google Cloud Platform


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Drupal 8 docker image based on Google PHP base image

This project uses the PHP base image to build a Drupal 8 container.

This project can also be used as a reference on how to containerize your own Drupal 8 sites, documented here.

If you want to use this image you can download it from docker hub

docker pull giteshk/drupal8-gcp-docker

Running this setup locally

  1. Install docker-compose
  2. To build this image locally run
    docker-compose build
  3. To run this setup locally
    docker-compose up
    This will create the required volumes and setup a mariadb server
  4. Open a browser and go to http:https://localhost:5000

Remove your docker containers and volumes

docker-compose down
docker volume rm drupal8-gcp-docker_drupal-db-volume
docker volume rm drupal8-gcp-docker_drupal-public-files
docker volume rm drupal8-gcp-docker_drupal-private-files
docker volume rm drupal8-gcp-docker_drupal-backups

Want to build your own docker image

If you want to build your own Drupal 8 project copy the files listed below to your project :

  • Dockerfile
  • nginx-app.conf
  • php.ini
  • settings.php
  • Make sure that you have the following dependencies in your composer.json You will need to specify the php version.
        "ext-date": "*",
        "ext-dom": "*",
        "ext-filter": "*",
        "ext-gd": "*",
        "ext-hash": "*",
        "ext-json": "*",
        "ext-pcre": "*",
        "ext-pdo": "*",
        "ext-session": "*",
        "ext-simplexml": "*",
        "ext-spl": "*",
        "ext-tokenizer": "*",
        "ext-xml": "*",
        "php": ">=7.2.0"
  • cloudbuild.xml - Copy this file if you plan to use Cloud Build

Building this docker image locally

To build the docker image on your instance run the following:

docker build -t my-drupal8 .

Follow the instructions above to run this container

Implementation details


We based this image on the PHP Google App Engine image. 
We did to leverage all security patches that base image would get from Google team.
*** As of the writing of this project the PHP base image only supports php 7.1 and 7.2 ***


This is a modified version of the nginx drupal 8 receipe


The default 128M was not sufficient for Drupal so we bumped the php memory limit to 512M


The Database configuration has been parameterized. Define the following environment variables
    - DB_NAME
    - DB_USER
    - DB_HOST
    - DB_PORT
The Drupal Hash salt is also passed as an environment variable.


Make sure you have the above mentioned extentions in the require section of your composer.json
When the docker image is build it uses this information to enable php extensions


Use this to build your docker images using Cloud build and publish to Google container registry.


This is not an official Google Product


Drupal 8 docker based on PHP base image for Google Cloud Platform







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