Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project.
This tool is developed in working time for Cookpad.
gem install xcprofiler
xcprofiler is tested on latest Ruby 2.3/2.4.
-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies
build flags inBuild Settings
->Other Swift Flags
section of your Xcode project. -
Build your project
$ xcprofiler [PRODUCT_NAME or ACTIVITY_LOG_PATH] [options]
searches the latest build log on your DerivedData directory.
You can also specify the .xcactivitylog
$ xcprofiler MyApp
$ xcprofiler ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/0761C73D-3B6C-449A-BE89-6D11DAB748FE.xcactivitylog
Sample output is here
| File | Line | Method name | Time(ms) |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 132 | public func ==<T : ResultProtocol where T.Value : Equatable, T.Error : Equatable>(left: T, right: T) -> Bool | 14.2 |
| Result.swift | 66 | get {} | 13.1 |
| Result.swift | 78 | public static func error(_ message: String? = default, function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) -> NSError | 6.3 |
| Result.swift | 69 | get {} | 2.2 |
| Result.swift | 132 | public func `try`<T>(_ function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line, try: (NSErrorPointer) -> T?) -> Result<T, NSError> | 1.7 |
| Result.swift | 95 | get {} | 1.4 |
| Result.swift | 21 | public init(_ value: T?, failWith: @autoclosure () -> Error) | 0.9 |
| Result.swift | 142 | public func `try`(_ function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line, try: (NSErrorPointer) -> Bool) -> Result<(), NSError> | 0.9 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 172 | @available(*, unavailable, renamed: "recover(with:)") public func recoverWith(_ result: @autoclosure () -> Self) -> Self | 0.7 |
| Result.swift | 72 | get {} | 0.6 |
| Result.swift | 75 | get {} | 0.6 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 72 | public func recover(_ value: @autoclosure () -> Value) -> Value | 0.5 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 111 | public func &&&<L : ResultProtocol, R : ResultProtocol where L.Error == R.Error>(left: L, right: @autoclosure () -> R) -> Result<(L.Value, R.Value), L.Error> | 0.5 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 144 | public func !=<T : ResultProtocol where T.Value : Equatable, T.Error : Equatable>(left: T, right: T) -> Bool | 0.5 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 92 | public func tryMap<U>(_ transform: (Value) throws -> U) -> Result<U, Error> | 0.4 |
| Result.swift | 175 | @available(*, unavailable, renamed: "success") public static func Success(_: T) -> Result<T, Error> | 0.3 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 55 | public func mapError<Error2>(_ transform: (Error) -> Error2) -> Result<Value, Error2> | 0.3 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 77 | public func recover(with result: @autoclosure () -> Self) -> Self | 0.3 |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 93 | (closure) | 0.3 |
| Result.swift | 31 | public init(attempt f: () throws -> T) | 0.2 |
option | shorthand | description |
--limit | -l | Limit for display |
--threshold | Threshold of time to display (ms) | |
--show-invalids | Show invalid location results | |
--order | -o | Sort order (default,time,file) |
--derived-data-path | Root path of DerivedData directory | |
--truncate-at | -t | Truncate the method name with specified length |
--no-unique | Show the duplicated results |
You can use reporters to output tracking logs.
require 'xcprofiler'
profiler = Xcprofiler::Profiler.by_product_name('MyApp')
profiler.reporters = [ 20, order: :time), 'result.json'), do |executions|
You can also implement your own reporters.
See implementation of built-in reporters for detail.
You can integrate xcprofiler to danger.
MIT License
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at