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SmallWorld Android

Android codebase for SmallWorld, whose project overview and screenshots can be found at the smallworld base repo.


  • Android device or emulator running Android 12 (Snow Cone) or later
  • Android Studio
  • Mapbox Account

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open Android Studio and import the project:
    • Click on "Open"
    • Navigate to the location where you cloned the repository and select the smallworld-android directory
    • If a dialog pops up saying "Trust and Open Project 'smallworld-android'?", go ahead and click "Trust Project"
  3. Set up Mapbox
    • Create a Mapbox account if you haven't already at
    • Go to
    • Configure your public token
      1. On your mapbox account page and under "Access Tokens", copy your default public token
      2. Go back to Android studio and open the Project Window tool window by clicking it in the left tool window bar or by pressing ⌘1
      3. Click on the dropdown at the top left corner of the tool window and select the Project view from the list. This will show you the file hierarchy of the whole project
      4. Right-click on the smallworld-android folder and select New > File and name it
      5. Fill it in as follows, making sure to replace insert_public_token with the default public token you copied in step 1: MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN=insert_public_token
    • Configure secret token
      1. From your accounts tokens page of your mapbox account
      2. Select Create a Token
      3. From the token creation page, give your token a name and make sure the box next to th * Downloads:Read* scope is checked
      4. Click the Create token button at the bottom of the page to create your token
      5. The token you've created is a secret token, which means you will only have one opportunity to copy it somewhere secure
      6. Find or create a file in your Gradle user home folder. The folder can be found at «USER_HOME»/.gradle. Once you have found or created the file, its path should be «USER_HOME»/.gradle/
      7. Add this line to the file, making sure to replace insert_secret_token with the token you copied in step 5: MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN=insert_secret_token
  4. In Android Studio, select your device from the device dropdown in the toolbar, and then click the green triangle button or press ^R to run the app

Technology Stack

  • Android Compose for UI
  • Mapbox for maps
  • Kotlin Flows for UI state management
  • Kotlin Coroutines for concurrency
  • Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
  • Retrofit for networking
  • Android Jetpack components for lifecycle management and navigation
  • Google Play Services for location services
  • Timber for logging
  • LeakCanary for memory leak monitoring

Package Structure

-- com.example.smallworld
|   |-- data            # Data layer: repositories, data sources
|   |   |-- feature-name
|   |   |   |-- dto
|   |   |   |-- enums
|   |   |   |-- model 
|   |-- di              # Hilt Modules
|   |-- ui              # View layer: composables, viewmodels, navigation graphs
|   |   |-- components  # Reused Composables
|   |   |-- flows       # Actual screens organised by flow
|   |   |-- theme       # App theme classes
|   |-- util            # Globally used classes/functions, extension functions

Architecture Overview

Smallworld uses the MVVM architectural pattern, a tried and tested, modern pattern that's used widely across the industry, is in-line with Google's recommendations, and much of the Android ecosystem is built with it in mind.

Model Layer

The model/data layer of the app is the link between the viewmodels and the data sources. The model layer is quite simple in Smallworld as it's online-only, so the only data source is the API.

Communication to the API is done through one of two Retrofit services wherein all functions are implemented as suspending functions conforming to the codebases' strict use of coroutines. The first retrofit service is SmallWorldAuthApi which handles all auth-related api requests i.e. signing in/out, validating usernames/passwords, and refreshing tokens. The second is SmallWorldApi, which handles requests relating to the main business logic of the application: searching for users, getting a users' profile, sending/receiving requests, getting locations, etc. Separating those two services has two advantages: it makes our application more modular and it allows us to configure them differently. SmallWorldApi is mediated by AuthOkhttpInterceptor, which automatically authenticates all requests with the users' access token and refreshes the token if necessary. SmallWorldAuthApi is not mediated by AuthOkhttpInterceptor as the requests within it happen before the user authenticates themself and thus they don't require an access token, nor would one be available.

The codebase employs two types of data holders: the DTO's, that is the objects returned via JSON from the API, and the domain models. Most DTO's have a corresponding domain model, and the DTO data classes are suffixed with Dto whilst the domain models are not suffixed (eg ProfileDto and Profile). Repositories map DTO's to domain models when fetching data from the api and passing it on to the upper layers.

Separating the models not only allows us to map values and types from the DTO into representations in the domain model that might be more useful in the upper layers, but it also protects the applicaition code from breaking changes in the shape of the DTO. By ensuring that there is a single point in the code where DTO's are mapped in the domain models (the repository), we can account for any changes in the DTO by adapting the mapping function from the DTO to the domain model without having to modify any of the code in the upper layers.

There is one repository for each path of the API.

ViewModel Layer

ViewModels contain all the business logic . User events are propagated from the view to the viewmodel through the viewmodel's methods, the viewmodel interacts with the data layer via the repositories, and updates it's state holders.

The viewmodels use exclusively StateFlows to hold state, and for passing one-time events like a notification to navigate to a different screen to the view layer SharedFlows are used. In certain cases where the consumption of the event is required and using a SharedFlow doesn't guarantee it because flow collection might happen after event dispatch, Channels are used. All asynchronous operations happening in viewmodels use kotlin coroutines and teh structured concurrency it enables. If the viewmodel depends on a this party class which uses a different style of concurrency than coroutines like Promises or callbacks, wrapper classes are used to translate those styles to coroutines. See LocationProvider in for an example. This keeps the code in the viewmodels consistent, clean, and easy to read.

View Layer

The view layer is implemented in Jetpack Compose, Android's new way of implementing user interfaces. Jetpack compose offers a lot of advantages over the old xml inflated views:

  • Promotes component reuse, it is much easier to make custom view components in compose than it was in the traditional View system
  • Often faster to implement
  • Completely declarative thus less error prone
  • All kotlin, promoting consistency throughout the application and allowing for the use of all the features kotlin has on offer (coroutines, collection methods)
  • Higher cohesion, rather than having your code divided between a fragment/activity and an xml file, all your UI code is in one composable function


The whole UI tree is wrapped in a composable called SnackBarContainer which is responsible for displaying snackbars. As snackbars are used widely throughout the app to show error messages or notify the user of an event, rather than implement a snackbar in each of the screens that use one, it is implemented at the top level and lower level components send messages to it through the SnackBarMessageBus. The SnackBarMessageBus is a simple class with a single SharedFlow to which messages are sent, and the SnackBarComnponent observes this flow and displays the corresponding text in a snackbar.


Navigation is implemented with navigation component for compose, and the root graph can be found in the app's root composable SmallWorldApp.

Every screen implements it's own navigation node builder function as an extension on NavGraphBuilder. For example, SignInScreen has a corresponding SignInNavigation file which implements the following:

private const val signInRoute = "sign_in"

fun NavController.navigateToSignIn() = navigate(signInRoute)

fun NavGraphBuilder.signInScreen(onBackClick: () -> Unit, onSignInSuccess: () -> Unit) =
    composable(signInRoute) {
        val viewModel: SignInViewModel = hiltViewModel()
        LaunchedEffect(viewModel) {
            viewModel.onSignInSuccess.collect { onSignInSuccess() }
        SignInScreen(viewModel = viewModel, onBackClick = onBackClick)

Every screen must implement the following (with the exception of the root screen which is never navigated to):

  • A private const val string literal used as the route.
  • Ann extension function on NavController to allow it to be navigated to from other points on the graph, since the route is made private. This adds some safety to our navigation code and makes it easy to see the navigation options with code completion in our IDEs.
  • An extension function on NavGraphBuilder that builds the screens navigation node and adds it to the NavGraph. The NavController is not passed down to this function, so it does not contain any calls to .navigate(). Instead, the navigation code is called in the root nav graph, and callback functions are passed down to this extension function. The name of the parameter for the callback corresponds to the event that triggers the navigation and not the screen that is being navigated to. For example, above, the parameter name for the callback is onSignInSuccess and not onNavigateToHome. This makes it so that the calling of the function in the NavGraphBuilder scope of the root nav graph shows the screen that is being added, the events which trigger navigation from that screen, and which screen is navigated to in response to those events, which makes it trivial to see the paths that a user can take through the application just by looking at the builder code:
    onSignInButtonClick = navController::navigateToSignIn,
    onSignUpButtonClick = navController::navigateToSignUpGraph
    onSignInSuccess = { navController.navigateToHome { popUpToLandingSCreenInclusive() } },
    onBackClick = { navController.popBackStack() }

Overall, this means all the navigation code is decoupled from the component itself and kept in one place, the root navigation graph, and the extension functions in the SomeScreenNavigation files.


Smallworld is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit


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