In this episode we build our SIEM and XRD tool, Wazuh. We then install the Wazuh agent on our Kali virtal machine, our Docker server and our pfsense firewall. We then move onto our vulnerability scanner, Nessus.
Please follow the instructions below to install the Wazuh agent on the pfsense firewall.
Enable SSH before connecting to firewall
Enable FreeBSD so we can pull down the wazuh agent
Enable the firewall logs (syslog already in place)
In Wazuh - Create group and enable rule
By default, FreeBSD package repos are disabled on pfSense firewalls. Follow below to enable for our lab.
SSH to firewall, navigate to the following directory:
cd /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/
Edit pfsense.conf file:
vi pfsense.conf
Set to:
FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
Edit freebsd.conf file:
vi FreeBSD.conf
Set to:
FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
Update the pacage cache
pkg update
SearcH for the Wazuh agent
pkg search wazuh-agent
Install Wazuh firewall agent
pkg install wazuh-agent-4.7.2
cp /etc/localtime /var/ossec/etc
The edit ossec.conf file:
vi ossec.conf
Add the following to the file, this is the address of your Wazuh server:
Set the agent to enabled by entering the following:
sysrc wazuh_agent_enable="YES"
Create sumbolic link
ln -s /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wazuh-agent /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
service wazuh-agent start
Waht to monitor your firewall logs? We need to create a pfsense group, and add the following.
In Wazuh, navigate to Management > new new group
edit group and add the following:
Monitor the output in filter.log file.
Navigate to Management > Rules > create a new rule and add the following:
<group name="pfsense,">
<rule id="87701" level="5" overwrite="yes">
<description>pfSense firewall drop event.</description>
Add rule to the existing pfsense group you created previously.