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Солнце Цветок Дождь

or СЦД is a 3D browser game made with three.js and popmotion. It works on both desktop and mobile. For best results, using Chrome is recommended.


On desktop, press (not hold) the AWSD or the arrow keys to start moving in a given direction. Press the same key to stop. Use the mouse to look around.

On mobile, swipe up/down/left/right to start moving in that direction. Swipe the same way to stop. Move your finger on the screen to start turning the camera in the direction of your finger. Move your finger to the center of the screen or simply tap it to stop.

You play by tagging ghosts and leading them out of the forest, upon which they fade away. That's pretty much it. Enjoy!

background fluff

So... what is СЦД about, anyway? Well, to begin with, the name no longer holds any meaning. Back when it was just a poor man's Slender clone with a(n admittedly decent) cartoony aesthetic, it was vaguely fitting, but not anymore. Now, it's just a game about, well, helping lost souls pass on by leading them out of a dark forest... I am honestly not even sure why I went for something so dark or vague. Maybe it reflects how absolutely painful it was to try to get this to a somewhat playable state. It was definitely a passion project, though. I would have abandoned it ten times over if it was not (and I only did twice!), and I do like it way more than anything I've made before. Hell, I even went out of my way to write its background audio on an Electribe of all things. So, while I'm not quite sure what I was going for with this paragraph, I do appreciate you checking СЦД out!