Created to help me, and maybe you, to navigate between Screens, load Screen Prefabs, update list of available Screens in Editor etc.
- in Unity go to Windows > Package Manager
- press
and selectAdd package from git URL...
- Import from Samples a UILoadResources sample
- create a Folder UIScreens in Resources folder
- now you can create a ScriptableObject from Asset Menu in created UIScreens folder
- Montana Games/DB/Screens List
- this Scriptable Object looking for Prefabs inside this Folder (Root only) of type UIScreen and update list of available Screens
- just put your Prefab in this Folder to make it visible for UI Manager
- Montana Games/DB/Screens List
- after, you can create your first Screen inherited from/extends UIScreen class
- see UITestScreen as a sample
- before UI Manager can work, initialize it with followed code (do it once, this script use static fields)
[SerializeField] ScreensList screensList;
void Awake(){
//setup a Loader and
new UI(new UILoaderResources(screensList))
- now, you can call
open Screens with save previous Screen in Stack, to open it back again, if you close current. (also save history)
- open new Screen and close automatically Previous (disabled/removed)
- open new Screen, and save previous in History (stack) open it, if you close current
- close all Screen (clear history/stack), and open requested Screen
- use it to handle users inputs,- this method will be close current Screen and open previous if History is not empty.
- force close all opened Screens or saved in History (Stack)- use this, for Scenes transitions, to clear history of opened screens.
- close current screen, focus previousUI.Get<UIMyScreen>()
- instantiate a Screen, but not Open it (don't call OnOpen event)- you can manipulate or execute with this Screen before open
- but i will be not recommend this method, smell like a bad practice
- you can manipulate or execute with this Screen before open
- remove/destroy this screen from Scene- use it careful, only if you manually want close screen and can't use
- use it careful, only if you manually want close screen and can't use
- create a new Canvas in Scene
- add you script/component inherited from UIScreen to this Canvas
- rename it, i recommend to name it like
UI(some your name)Screen
- save this Canvas as Prefab in root of folder where a ScriptableObject of type ScreensList already exist, or create it inside
- this SO help you, it's make a updatable list of available Screens inside folder where SO persistent
- after this steps, you can call in your code
- if you got error, check this step again.
- under development...