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Make sure to push the answers to the exercises in Introduction to Programming to a new git repository on Organize the answers by chapter. We'll ask to see this in the assessment stage, and not having any code in your Github repository or not being able to explain the code will be a red flag.

Organizing Your Code on Github We suggest that you organize your solutions this way:

  • use 1 git repository for all exercises in the Ruby book (remember not to ever nest git repositories)
  • create a folder within that repository for each chapter in the book
  • create a separate file for every exercise in the chapter

You don't have to do this, but that seems to me the most organized way to go about this. We don't always look at your code, so this will mostly be for yourself. We will look at your code if you seem to be struggling, and we'll go take a look at your previous code to see what you've done in the past. If we don't see much code there, or if we see very disorganized code, we may jump to conclusions about whether you've done enough preparation for the course.


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