Centroids of world countries in CSV, GeoJson, etc
- There is no generally accepted definition of geographic center, and no completely satisfactory method for determining it. (USGS)
- The geographic center of a region is a fundamental geographic concept, and yet there is no commonly accepted method for its determination. (Peter A. Rogerson)
Version 1.0 has been updated to use the centroid of the largest land mass. This way large countries with many disparate areas (like USA, New Zealand, Chile, Portugal) have more rational center points.
- country nameISO
- country ISO codeCOUNTRYAFF
- country affiliatedAFF_ISO
- country affiliated ISO code
There are multiple ways to access the data.
Go to the releases page to download, then check the dist folder for the data files.
The data is also published to an ArcGIS Online hosted feature service. The REST endpoint to query is:
For example, get the center point of Mexico:
... or for USA and territories: https://services9.arcgis.com/l9yXFvhjz46ekkZV/ArcGIS/rest/services/Countries_Centroids/FeatureServer/0/query?where=AFF_ISO%3D%27US%27&outFields=*&f=pgeojson (Preview)
Use JSDelivr to get all the data as CSV or GeoJSON:
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gavinr/world-countries-centroids@v1/dist/countries.geojson (Preview)
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gavinr/world-countries-centroids@v1/dist/countries.csv
See LICENSE file.