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For Okku 0.1.5.


This tutorial mirrors the Java remoting tutorial from the Akka documentation.

The application we are going to code is a calculator server with two clients. This is a bit contrived in order to show how Akka works (and how to use it from Okku).

The purpose of the server is to accept messages asking for some mathematical operations and to answer with results. At first, when the server is created, it is composed of a single actor named "simpleCalculator" that knows how to do additions and subtractions.

The first client looks-up the simpleCalculator actor by its address, and asks it to compute some values. This is to illustrate how to interact with previously existing remote actors.

The second client wants to do multiplications and divisions. To do that, it first has to create an actor on the server, which will be called advancedCalculator and which will be able to handle multiplications and divisions.


To illustrate the distibuted nature of this example, we'll split it between three separate projects. The default (as in "in-code") configuration you'll find in this repo will work when the three programs run on the same machine, communicating through network connections (each progam will have a different port). See the end of this document for instructions on how to make it run on three separate machines.

We shall actually create a fourth project to serve as a library for the other three, to hold the common code. This is not only good practice to reduce duplication, it is actually required in this case: when the second client wants to ask the server to create an actor, they have to share the exact same definition of the new to-be-created actor, and that can only be achieved by sharing the same class files to describe it (which here will be contained in a jar file).

Calculator server


Before we can begin writing code, we have to create a new project and set it up correctly. This is done by using lein new calculation and adding the

[org.clojure.gaverhae/okku "0.1.5"]

to the :dependencies option and the

:main calculation.core

options to the project.clj.

If you read the corresponding Akka tutorial, they say you have to add a few items to the application.conf file to enable remote actors. Since Clojure already provides very good concurrency primitives, which makes the Actor model relatively unattractive for a local Clojure application, Okku already takes care of that (under the assumption that if you did not need distribution, you would not be using Akka).


Before we can define the simpleCalculator, we have to set up the namespace properly:

(ns calculation.core
  (:use okku.core))

Next, we have to think about what kind of messages we're going to send. From the calculation server, we are only going to send results. Following the "spec" of the Akka remote example, the result message has to contain the operation (which in the case of the Akka tutorial is encoded in the class of the message), the operands and the result. We define a function that creates such message as a map:

(defn m-res [a b op r]
  {:type :result :op op :1 a :2 b :result r})

Lastly, before we can handle incoming messages, we have to know what their format is going to be. So let us work under the assumption that the messages asking for a computation will be of the form:

{:type :operation :op operator :1 operand1 :2 operand2}

We can thus write the simple-calculator actor as follows:

(def simple-calculator
    (onReceive [{t :type o :op a :1 b :2}]
      (dispatch-on [t o]
        [:operation :+] (do (println (format "Calculating %s + %s" a b))
                          (! (m-res a b :+ (+ a b))))
        [:operation :-] (do (println (format "Calculating %s - %s" a b))
                          (! (m-res a b :- (- a b))))))))

And finally, the main method, which creates the actor system and the actor:

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [system (actor-system "CalculatorApplication"
                             :port 2552)]
    (spawn simple-calculator :in system
           :name "simpleCalculator")))

So this creates an actor with address

akka:https://[email protected]:2552/user/simpleCalculator

(unless this is overridden by the configuration file).

Actor look-up


Now that the application server is done, let's create a second project for the look-up system. First, create the project as usual:

lein new lookup

then edit project.clj to add

[org.clojure.gaverhae/okku "0.1.5"]

to :dependencies and finally change the namespace declaration to

(ns lookup.core
  (:use okku.core))

Do not forget to also add the

:main lookup.core

option to the defproject form.

Testing the server

With this in place, we can already somewhat test the calculation server. If you start the calculation server by running lein run, and then open up a repl in the lookup project with lein repl, you should be able to type the following commands:

lookup.core=> (def as (actor-system "test" :port 2553))
lookup.core=> (def ra (look-up "akka:https://[email protected]:2552/user/simpleCalculator" :in as))
lookup.core=> (.tell ra {:type :operation :op :+ :1 3 :2 5})

and you should see the correct output on the server.

Look-up application

Again, we start by asking what kind of messages we want to send. We already defined their format, so let's create the corresponding function:

(defn m-op [op a b]
  {:type :operation :op op :1 a :2 b})

The next step is to create an actor that can send messages to the calculation server and receive the answers back. To mirror the original Akka tutorial, this actor also has to be able to receive a message asking it to compute something (these last messages will be received from the main loop). These messages, again mirroring the original tutorial, will be produced by the following function:

(defn m-tell [actor msg]
  {:type :proxy :target act :msg msg})

We can now design the look-up actor:

(def printer
    (onReceive [{t :type act :target m :msg op :op a :1 b :2 r :result}]
      (dispatch-on [t op]
        [:proxy nil] (! act m)
        [:result :+] (println (format "Add result: %s + %s = %s" a b r))
        [:result :-] (println (format "Sub result: %s - %s = %s" a b r)))))

Finally, we can create the main function:

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [as (actor-system "LookupApplication" :port 2553)
        la (spawn printer :in as)
        ra (look-up "akka:https://[email protected]:2552/user/simpleCalculator"
                    :in as :name "looked-up")]
    (while true
      (.tell la (m-tell ra (m-op (if (zero? (rem (rand-int 100) 2)) :+ :-)
                                 (rand-int 100) (rand-int 100))))
      (try (Thread/sleep 2000)
        (catch InterruptedException e)))))

You should now be able to lein run the two projects and see them communicate. (You do have to run the server first.)

Creation application


The basic setup is yet again the same: create a new project, add a default main class, add the dependency, and use it in the main class. Say this project is named creation.

We actually need a bit more of a setup. In order to be able to remotely create an actor, both the system that asks for the actor and the system that hosts it must have access to the corresponding class. To support remote actor creation, we are thus going to create a fourth project, which will be a library of the common actors between the server and the creation client.

Common actors

So we create this new project, say "common-actors", we add to it a dependency on okku.core, we use okku.core in the core.clj file, and we this time do not add any :main directive to the project.clj as this is going to be strictly a library.

In the common-actors library, we add the advanced-calculator actor, which is nearly identical to the simple-calculator seen earlier:

(defn m-res [a b op r]
  {:type :result :op op :1 a :2 b :result r})

(def advanced-calculator
    (onReceive [{t :type o :op a :1 b :2}]
      (dispatch-on [t o]
        [:operation :*] (do (println (format "Calculating %s * %s" a b))
                          (! (m-res a b :* (* a b))))
        [:operation :d] (do (println (format "Calculating %s / %s" a b))
                          (! (m-res a b :d (/ a b)))))))

Of course, we also had to copy the m-res function for this to work.

And that is all we need in this shared library. However, do not forget to add this common library as a dependency to both the calculation and creation applications (and to actually require it in the calculation.core namespace).

We need the generated proxy classes to be the same at the client (the actor system that requires the creation of the actor) and at the server (the actor system in which the actor is actually created). Since Clojure assigns random names to classes generated at runtime, this can be problematic. Therefore, the common-actors.core namespace needs to be aot-compiled (in practice, this means adding the :aot common-actors.core line to the project.clj file).

However, this should not be too much of a problem, as in a real application, there would probably be much more shared code, practically ensuring that the shared library will be loaded on all sides. (For example, here, it would probably be a good idea to declare the m-res function only in the common-actors package and then use it from creation and lookup. Similarly, the very high degree of similarity between simple-calculator and advanced-calculator cries out for a refactoring, but that is beside the point of this tutorial.)

As an aside, to use a local library from Leiningen, you need to run lein install from the library to install it in your local maven repository.

Creation application

The creation application will be very similar to the lookup application. First, we define a local actor that will transmit messages, exactly as we did in the lookup application.

(defn m-op [op a b]
  {:type :operation :op op :1 a :2 b})
(defn m-tell [actor msg]
  {:type :proxy :target act :msg msg})

(def printer
    (onReceive [{t :type act :target m :msg op :op a :1 b :2 r :result}]
      (dispatch-on [t op]
        [:proxy nil] (! act m)
        [:result :*] (println (format "Mul result: %s * %s = %s" a b r))
        [:result :d] (println (format "Div result: %s / %s = %s" a b r)))))

The interesting differences will of course be in the main function, though it remains strikingly similar:

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [as (actor-system "CreationApplication" :port 2554)
        la (spawn printer :in as)
        ra (spawn advanced-calculator :in as
                  :name "created"
                  :deploy-on "akka:https://[email protected]:2552")]
    (while true
      (.tell la (m-tell ra (if (zero? (rem (rand-int 100) 2))
                             (m-op :* (rand-int 100) (rand-int 100))
                             (m-op :d (rand-int 10000) (rand-int 99)))))
      (try (Thread/sleep 2000)
    (catch InterruptedException e)))))

You should now be able to start all three projects with lein run and watch it all work.

Configuration files

Since we have named all of our remote actors, it is easy to change the options through the configuration files. Refer to the Akka documentation for more information on all the configurable options. Here, we shall only give a small example of how configuration keys relate to actors in the code.

Say you want to change the three actor systems to use the public IP address of your computer instead of, rendering them accessible from the outside world. In each of the programs, you have to change the address of the local actor system and the address of the remote one. This is done through the resources/application.conf file in each program. For example: calculation

akka.remote.netty.hostname = ""
akka.remote.netty.port = 2652


akka.remote.netty {
  hostname = ""
  port = 2653
} = "akka:https://[email protected]:2652"


akka {
  remote {
    netty {
      hostname = ""
akka.remote.netty.port = 2654
okku.lookup./lokked-up.hostname = ""
okku.lookup./lokked-up.port = 2652

Where the different syntaxes are used just to show them off. Again, these are plain Akka configuration files; see the Akka documentation for more information.

If you have cloned the git repository for this tutorial, these configuration options are already in the resources/ folders, you only have to uncomment all lines.

Distributed setup

From the point of view of the three programs, they already are distributed. Apart from the physical distribution of the jar files, there are no further concerns.