clone the repository using 'git clone https://github.com/Ganeshb62/NunamChallenge.git'
Move both 'data.xlsx' and 'data_1.xlsx' files to the project folder or change the filepath in '.py' files
First, Install the required packages from requirements.txt using 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Next, run the 'DataSeparation.py' file using 'python3 DataSeparation.py'
Next, run the 'DownSamplingData.py' file using 'python3 DownSamplingData.py'
Next, open jupter notebook
- open terminal, and go to the project directory - type 'python3 -m notebook' - Redirect to local host, and jupyter notebook opens - open 'LowPassFiltering.ipynb' and choose 'Cells'>'Run All' - All the cells will run and output is shown
NOTE: I use python3. If the local machine runs on a different version (say 2.7.x), use 'python' for 'python3' and 'pip' for 'pip3'.