ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, including webcams. As its development stopped in 2012, I took the task of keeping it updated with the V4L2 API. Thi…
👑 Easy-to-use and powerful NLP and LLM library with 🤗 Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications, including 🗂Text Classification, 🔍 Neural Search…
中文 NLP 预处理、解析工具包,准确、高效、易用 A Chinese NLP Preprocessing & Parsing Package
100+ Chinese Word Vectors 上百种预训练中文词向量
allennlp-light is a port of AllenNLP's core modules and nn portions into a standalone package with minimum dependencies
Native go clients for Apache Hadoop YARN forked from hortonworks/gohadoop
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
Organize your experiments into discrete steps that can be cached and reused throughout the lifetime of your research project.
A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
收货地址智能解析 Written in Go,可识别出:姓名+电话+邮编+身份证号+省+市+区+街道地址 超高性能(一条仅需 0.0000625s)
Apache Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere.
IPython cell magic to create markdown cells that contain content from python expressions
Simple server to just host folium JS and CSS resources
Python utility to take a Pandas DataFrame and create a Powerpoint table
Python package to handle tiles and points of different projections, in particular WGS 84 (Latitude, Longitude), Spherical Mercator (Meters), Pixel Pyramid and Tiles (TMS, Google, QuadTree)
离线瓦片地图。1、多进程/多线程/异步爬取瓦片地图;2、Flask + Leaflet 构建离线地图服务。
Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
Scalable Python DS & ML, in an API compatible & lightning fast way.
DineshKumar-G / browser-print-js
Forked from crabbly/Print.jsA tiny javascript library to help printing from the web.
超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn、mnn、tnn推理 ( dbnet(1.8M) + crnn(2.5M) + anglenet(378KB)) 总模型仅4.7M