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TaxonPages is a tool to serve taxon pages. At present it draws data from TaxonWorks' API, however we seek to keep the TaxonPages platform agnostic therefor facilitating the modular addition of functionality that may reference data from any biodiversity data-serving API.

Status Warning

TaxonPages software is in active development and changes are expected that will cause the early first-adopters' instances to require rebuilding by refreshing one's forked branch using git pull. A first stable version is expected by Spring 2023.


  1. Click on "Fork" button to create your own repository from this.
  2. Uncheck Copy the setup branch only and press Save
  3. After create your repo, go to Settings > Pages, on "Branch" select gh-pages and /(root). Then press save
  4. Open router.yml file and change base_url to the name of your repository.
  5. After a couple of minutes, your public page should be available at https://<your_user_name><your_repo_name>


  1. Switch to setup branch in your TaxonPages repository.
  2. We provide some settings by default to setup your public pages, but API parameters are required and must be configured to get the data from your TaxonWorks project.
# config/api.yml
url: https://<your.taxonworks.server>/api/v1
project_token: yourprojecttoken
  1. Push the changes after update the configuration files inside setup branch
  2. GitHub actions will build TaxonPages with the current configuration in setup branch and publish it to the gh-pages branch


Follow this steps to run TaxonPages in your local machine.

  1. Install NodeJS
  2. We recommend you to fork this repository to keep getting updates. Use GIT to clone the repo.
git clone<your_username>/<your_repository_name>.git

But if you don't want to fork it, you can clone directly from this

git clone
  1. Go to taxonpages folder and enter the following commands to copy the software to your setup branch
git checkout main
git checkout setup
git checkout main .
git reset
git checkout .
  1. Setup config/api.yml with the API server configuration

  2. Install node dependencies

npm install

Start TaxonPages

npm run dev

TaxonPages will be running at https://localhost:5173/



TaxonPages out of the box support markdown and vue for content sites. Add your content pages inside pages folder. By default, TaxonPages use the file name to create the route. For example, if the filename is "" the route to access it will be https://yourtaxonpagessite/contributors

Markdown pages

This software use vite-plugin-md to render pages in Markdown format, the engine of this plugin is markdown-it. For plugins and other configuration you can refer to this section

Example: file

name: 'Charles Darwin'

# Welcome, {{ name }}!

To use TaxonPage internal variables in config/*.yml, you can either do so by adding the prefix {{ app:var_name }} or use the script tag in your markdown page and get them from the global object __APP_ENV__


# Welcome to {{ app:project_name }}!

Script tag

# Welcome to {{ project_name }}!

<script setup>
const { project_name } = __APP_ENV__


TaxonPages global components are enable in your markdown pages, by default we provide a set of global components that you don't need to import them to use it. You can see the list of this global components here


If you want to change the color palette, you can edit /config/style/theme.css file, colors must be in RGB format. TaxonPages use TailwindCSS framework for the style. We already provide default settings for colors and markdown. If you want to make any change to your configuration, you must do so in the config/vendor/tailwind.config.js file. This file uses the TaxonPages configuration as a default. It is possible to overwrite it as long as you use it as a preset.


TaxonPages has out-of-the-box support for the following list of analytics services:

  enableDev: false # Set true to work in development mode
  analytics:   # Google Analytics
    - id: 'G-XXXXX'
  gtm:         # Google Tag Manager
    - id: 'GTM-XXXXX'
  pixel:       # Facebook Pixel
    - id: 'XXXXXXX'
  retargeting: # VK Retargeting
  linkedin:    # Linkedin Insight
    - id: 'XXXXXXX'
  tongji:      # Baidu Tongji
    - id: 'XXXXXXX',
  metrica:     # Yendex Metrica
    - id: 'XXXXXXX',
  microsoft:   # Microsoft Analytics
    id: 'XXXXXXX'
  hotjar:      # Hotjar Analytics
    id: 'XXXXXXX',
  fullStory:   # Full story Analytics
    org: 'X-XXXXXX-XXX'
  tiktok:      # TikTok Pixel Analytics
    id: 'XXXXXXX'

Deep dive into TaxonPages

Access internal configuration vars

To access the configuration in *.yml files, we provide a global object that contains all the configuration values. This variable can be used in either JavaScript, Vue, or Markdown files. To access these values you must use the __APP_ENV__ variable:

const { project_name } = __APP_ENV__
// or
const projectName = __APP_ENV__.project_name

Taxa Page


To modify the position of the panels in the layout of the Taxa page, edit the taxa_page.yml file. There you can add/move/remove panels from the layout, also you can add new tabs and include new panels there. If you want to make some tabs visible or not depending the rank group, you can include rankGroup

      - - - panel:gallery
          - panel:type
          - panel:type-specimen
          - panel:nomenclature
          - panel:nomenclature-references

        - - panel:map
          - panel:descendants
          - panel:content
          - panel:statistics
# An example of a new tab:
# type_specimens:
#   rank_group: ['SpeciesGroup']
#   panels:
#     - - - panel:specimen-records

External panels

To add panels in Taxa pages, create a folder called panels in your setup branch, and inside it create another folder for your panel. For example: panels/PanelTest

In PanelTest folder, create a main.js file, with the following structure:

import MyPanelComponent from './MyPanelComponent.vue'

Export default {
   id: 'panel:test', // ID to identify this panel
   component: MyPanelComponent, // Vue component for your panel
   rankGroup: ['HigherClassificationGroup', 'FamilyGroup', 'GenusGroup', 'SpeciesGroup'] // <-- OPTIONAL: This will define for which rank group will be available, remove it if your panel will be available for all.

This file is used to load your panel component in taxa page. Use the id to include and define the position in the layout in taxa_page.yml

    - - - panel:gallery
        - panel:test # <--- Your new panel
        - panel:type
        - panel:type-specimen
        - panel:nomenclature
        - panel:nomenclature-references

      - - panel:map
        - panel:descendants
        - panel:content
        - panel:statistics

Defining global components

TaxonPages provides an auto-import component from src/components and /components folders using special extensions for it. Some objects and functions are only present in the browser and not in the NodeJs server environment. When you run code that is not supported by the server, it ends up crashing. Some JavaScript libraries like Leaflet use the document or window object, which do not exist in the node environment. To handle this problem, TaxonPages provides 2 ways to import the components.

Client Side only (CSR):

This auto import method will only load the component on the client side, while on the server it will create a fake empty component, which will be used later on the client side to be replaced by the original one when the hydration process occurs. To define this type of import, the component name must contain the word .client. before .vue extension.

Example: MyAmazingComponent.client.vue

Global (CSR & SSR)

This auto-import method will load the component both client and server side. To define this type of import, the component must contain the word .client. before the .vue extension.


Global components

TaxonPages provides a set of global components that could be used to create your own panels or pages. Here is the complete list:

Component Description Props
<AnimationOpacity/> Add an opacity animation for a child component
<Autocomplete/> Used to perform searches in TaxonWorks Link
<AutocompleteOtu/> A specific autocomplete for OTU search
<ClientOnly/> Render child components only from client side
<VButton/> Button component
<VCard/> Card component style
<VCardContent/> Card content body
<VCardHeader/> Card Header
<VClipboard/> Copy a text to clipboard
<Dropdown/> Dropdown menu
<GalleryImage/> Link
<TrackerReport/> Show trackers to report issues Link
<VMap/> Interactive map that use Leaflet library
<VModal/> Create lightboxes
<VSkeleton/> Content loading placeholder
<VSpinner/> Loading spinner


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