Codes for the TMLR paper Effective Latent Differential Equation Models via Attention and Multiple Shooting
Download and install Julia 1.8.5: -
Install all dependencies:
julia Experiments/scripts/install_dependencies.jl
Generate train and test datasets:
julia Experiments/scripts/datasets_generation.jl
Train models
julia Experiments/scripts/Training/train_goku.jl
julia Experiments/scripts/Training/Baselines/LSTMs/train_lstm.jl
julia Experiments/scripts/Training/Baselines/LatentODE/train_latent_ode.jl
Notice that when ran on a personal computer, these trainings could take weeks. Alternatively, if you have access to a SLURM cluster, you can adapt the corresponing batch scripts to your setup and run the trainings there:
sbatch Experiments/scripts/Training/
sbatch Experiments/scripts/Training/Baselines/LSTMs/
sbatch Experiments/scripts/Training/Baselines/LatentODE/
Evaluate trained models on test data
julia Experiments/scripts/Evaluation/evaluate.jl
Plot results and perform statistical tests
julia Experiments/scripts/Evaluation/statistics_and_plots.jl
Due to privacy limitations to share the fMRI dataset used in the study, this repository includes only the experiments conducted on the simulated Stuart-Landau oscillators.
If you find this codebase useful, please consider citing:
title = {Effective Latent Differential Equation Models via Attention and Multiple Shooting},
author = {Germ{\'a}n Abrevaya and Mahta Ramezanian-Panahi and Jean-Christophe Gagnon-Audet and Pablo Polosecki and Irina Rish and Silvina Ponce Dawson and Guillermo Cecchi and Guillaume Dumas},
journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
issn = {2835-8856},
year = {2024},
url = {}