Simple Theme for Mkdocs.
Required: Python 3.4+
If you haven't installed MkDocs yet, use the following command to install it:
$ pip install mkdocs
Next, navigate to a clean directory and create a new MkDocs project with the following command:
$ mkdocs new [projectname]
Replace [projectname]
with the name of your project (without the brackets).
Then navigate to the root of your project directory:
$ cd [projectname]
with PIP pip install mkdocs-github
or download with zip.
mkdocs.yml for install via zip
site_name: yourdocs
site_author: you
site_description: "you word."
site_keyword: "you word"
name: null
custom_dir: github
highlightjs: true
hljs_style: github
github_repo: mkdocs-Github
github_user: g3xx
mkdocs.yml with install via PIP
site_name: yourdocs
site_author: you
site_description: "you word"
site_keyword: "your tag"
name: github
highlightjs: true
hljs_style: github
github_repo: antiFramework
github_user: g3xx
MIT and CSS by sindresorhus