This is a recent-edition build of CockroachDB for ARM64 devices, namely machines like RaspberryPI and PINE64 and similar boards with the ARM64v8 chipset.
Docker Hub has the latest built image.
Note: This assumes you have a docker network named "proxy" and you're likely creating this on Docker Swarm/k8s. Adjust the docker service create statement to fit your environment/purpose.
sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach
sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach/data
sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach/backup
docker service create --replicas 1 --name cockroachdb-1 --hostname cockroachdb-1 --network proxy \
--mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/cockroach/data,target=/cockroach/cockroach-data \
--mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/cockroach/backup,target=/cockroach/backup --stop-grace-period 60s \
--publish 8090:8080 --publish 26257:26257 christoofar/cockroachdb-arm64 start-single-node \
--storage-engine=pebble --external-io-dir=/cockroach/backup --cache=.20 --max-sql-memory=.20 --logtostderr \