Named after the Svante Arrhenius, one of the first who estimated the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on the surface temperature of our Earth
A reimplementation of the project CO2narienvogel in MicroPython for ESP8266 boards (e.g. D1 Mini). It measures the CO2 concentration in a room to warn about high levels at certain thresholds. High CO2 levels correlate with aerosols exhaled by humans and are an indicator for an increased Covid-19 infection risk.
The original project is based on coro2sens and ideas from Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, which are based on 2008 research by the German Federal Environmental Agency.
Svante also presents the environment variables on a simple webinterace. To enable wifi access, create the file
, add and adjust the following lines:
# wifi station config
WIFI_SSID = 'ssid'
WIFI_PASSWORD = 'password'