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Hydrus-based booru-styled imageboard in React, inspired by hyve.


API Documentation


Hybooru allows you to create an online booru-styled imageboard and REST API on top of Hydrus client, allowing you to access your collection from anywhere, without the need for running Hydrus instance. It uses its own PostgreSQL database, populated using metadata from Hydrus' SQLite database. Files are not cloned and instead served directly from Hydrus's database. You need to regenerate the Hybooru's database every time you want to update it. Make sure to properly configure configs.json file. Stop Hydrus when you regenerate HyBooru's database if you plan to use live Hydrus' database (use hydrus backup instead if possible)


  • Searching by tags
  • Negative search
  • Ratings
  • Sorting (date imported, rating, size, etc)
  • Searching tags and autocomplete
  • Notes and translation overlays
  • tag and post relations (parents/siblings, duplicates/alternatives)
  • Colored tags
  • Blurhash
  • Mobile support
  • OpenGraph and OpenSearch
  • Supports browsers without JS

Minimum Hydrus Version: v586

Keep in mind this project is not a standalone, fully-fledged booru, but rather a read-only interface to your Hydrus database. It does not provide any way to manage your posts or tags. The only way to add/modify your data is to do these changes in Hydrus and then rebuild Hybooru's database again(can be done from the cog menu on search/post page).

Currently, only Hydrus Client database is supported. You cannot use Hybooru on top of Hydrus Server.


  1. Install NodeJS, npm and PostgreSQL.
  2. Create new Postgresql database and user.
  3. Allow user to use pg_trgm and intarray extensions. Either:
    • Grant the user permission to create trusted extensions: GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE <database> TO <user>.
    • Create the extensions yourself: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS intarray;.
  4. Download latest Release production build or build it yourself.
  5. Extract server files.
  6. Edit configs.json to specify database credentials, hydrus db location and other options. See Configuration.
  7. (Optional) Configure reverse proxy.
  8. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  9. Run npm start to start server.

Searching Query Syntax

Searching tries to imitate classical booru's syntax. All tags are lowercase and use _ instead of space character. You can also use ? to match for single character(eg: ?girl) and * to match number of characters(eg: blue_*). Patterns prefixed with - will be excluded from results. Patterns are matched against tag's name, but Hydrus's namespace:subtag syntax is also supported.

Additionally you can sort results by including order:* in query. Supported sorts are: order:posted(date), order:id, order:rating, order:size. You can also append _desc or _asc to specify order(eg: order:posted_asc). If not specified, post are sorted by date descending.

If you use a numeric rating service and successfully imported the ratings, you can also filter posts by their ratings using rating: namespace. You can search posts with specific rating(rating:3), range(rating:2-4) or query posts that have not been rated(rating:none).

system: tags from Hydrus are not real tags and are not fully supported. Hybooru only supports system:inbox, system:archive and a non-standard system:trash for filtering posts that are respectively in inbox, are not in inbox and are in trash. You can use them in the blacklist/whitelist and you can also negate them using - prefix in searches.

Eg: 1girl blue_* -outdoors rating:3-5 order:rating_desc


Hybooru's config is stored in configs.json file in the project's root directory. Restart Hybooru to apply changes.

Name Type Default Comment
port number 3939 HTTP server port. You can use PORT envvar to override this.
host string or null null HTTP server host. null will listen on all interfaces. Set to "localhost" if you are not going to connect to it directly over network. You can use HOST envvar to override this.
hydrusDbPath string or null null Hydrus db or backup location. If null, default platform-dependent locaton is used: %appdata%/hydrus/db(Windows), ~/.local/share/hydrus/db(Linux), ~/Library/Preferences/hydrus/db(MacOS)
appName string "Hybooru" Specify name of your booru (appears as logo).
appDescription string "Hydrus-based booru-styled imageboard in React" Booru's description used in OpenGraph.
adminPassword string or null null Password used to regenerate database (can be accessed from the cog button). Null disables manual database regeneration. You can also use environmental variable HYDRUS_ADMIN_PASSWORD to override the password
isTTY boolean or null null Overrides colorful/fancy output. true forces, false disables, null automatically determines. Useful when piping output.
importBatchSize number 8192 Base batch size used during importing. Decrease it if hybooru crashes during import.
db PoolConfig local database node-postgres config object. See for more details. By defaults it attempts to connect to hybooru database at localhost using hybooru as password.
posts object see below Options related to posts and files. (string/number)[] or null null List of names or ids of file services to import. Use null to import from all services.
posts.filesPathOverride string or null null Overrides location of post's files. If null, client_files inside hydrus's db folder is used.
posts.thumbnailsPathOverride string or null null Overrides location of post's thumbnails. If null, filesPathOverride is used.
posts.thumbnailsMode "fit" or "fill" "fit" Specifies thumbnail scale mode. Change it to "fill" if you are using scale to fill in hydrus thumbnail options.
posts.pageSize number 72 Number of posts on single page.
posts.cachePages number 5 Number of pages cached in single cache entry.
posts.cacheRecords number 1024 Max number of cache entries.
posts.maxPreviewSize number 104857600 Max size in bytes of post that can be previewed in post page/gallery. Default is 100MB.
tags object see below Options related to tags. All tags below support wildcards. (string/number)[] or null null List of names or ids of tag services to import. Use null to import from all services.
tags.motd string or object or null null Query used to search for random image displayed on main page. You can also specify object to specify different tags for different themes(use light, dark and auto as keys)
tags.untagged string "-*" Overrides query used to determine which posts require tagging. Default "-*" matches all posts with no tags.
tags.ignore string[] [] List of tags that will not be imported from Hydrus (posts tagged by these tags will still be imported).
tags.blacklist string[] or null null All posts and tags matching any of specified tags will not be imported from Hydrus. Use null or empty array to ignore blacklist.
tags.whitelist string[] or null null Only posts matching specified tags will be imported from Hydrus. Use null or empty array to ignore whitelist.
tags.resolveRelations boolean true Resolve tag siblings and parents. Can be slow in large databases.
tags.reportLoops boolean false Print out all loops detected in tag relationships.
tags.searchSummary number 39 Number of tags that appear on side menu when searching posts.
rating object or null see below Options related to numerical rating. Set null to remove ratings.
rating.enabled boolean true Enables or disables rating import.
rating.service string or number or null null Name or id of the numerical rating service. Set to null to pick any service.
rating.stars number 5 Number of stars used in rating.
versionCheck object or null see below Options related to version checking. Set null to disable.
versionCheck.enabled boolean true Enables or disables version checking.
versionCheck.owner string "funmaker" GitHub handle of the repo owner. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.
versionCheck.repo string "hybooru" GitHub handle of the repo name. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.
versionCheck.cacheLifeMs number 3600000 (1 hour) Lifetime of versions cache. GitHub API is rate-limited, do not change unless you know what you are doing.

You can also use PORT and HOST environmental variables to override port and host config values.

Translation/overlay notes

This feature is meant for advanced users.

Hydrus so far does not support overlay notes (hydrusnetwork/hydrus#562). Hybooru implements it using a non-standard extension to the existing Hydrus note system and custom content parser. If you want to display overlay notes in Hybooru you will need to modify page parsers in Hydrus to create a note in special format that stores note position and size. I have prepared few content parser for popular boorus:

To import content parsers in Hydrus you need to go to network > downloader components > manage parsers > select target file page parser > edit > content parsers and drag and drop one of the above images into the content parser list. Hydrus will prevent you from dropping mismatched image into a different kind of list, but it will not prevent you from adding a content parser to wrong page parse, so make sure you are adding it to the right page parser for the right domain.

After importing content parser, newly imported images should have translation containing all the overlays if they have any. However, Hydrus by default will not add translations to images that it already recognizes in the database. To fetch overlay notes for images recognized by Hydrus, you will have to create a new Url Import tab (download > urls) and go to import options > tags > set custom tag import options just for this importer > check both force fetch page even if url/hash recognized and file already in db. In this particular importer hydrus will update notes(and other file metadata I guess) even if it recognizes the image. You can also set it as the default, but it's not recommended.

Overlay note format

Content Parsers in Hydrus Documentation

If you want to fetch overlays from different website, you will need to write your own content parser. Overlay notes are stored in one or many regular hydrus notes and contain special commands that can be understood by Hybooru. One note can contain any number of overlay sub-notes. The label/title of the note is ignored. The format is as follows:

<note content>
#! [<left>,<top>,<width>,<height>,<srcWidth>,<srcHeight>]

<note content>
#! [<left>,<top>,<width>,<height>,<srcWidth>,<srcHeight>]


For example:

Note in upper left corner
#! [50,50,100,100,500,500]

note on the bottom
#! [0,400,500,100,500,500]

Sub-notes are divided using lines that begin with #! . On these lines Hybooru expects an JSON array with numbers representing its position on the image. <srcWidth> and <srcHeight> represent the size of the original image. They are necessary to keep overlays in the right in case an user copies notes to another version of the image, for example in case of merge during duplicates processing. You can also set these values to 100 each if you are dealing with positions in percents. It is strongly recommended you put all the subnotes into a single Hydrus note as the output of your content parser. Hydrus uses note names to handle note update/replacement and outputting multiple notes with generated names like translation (###) will make resolving conflicts much harder.


Build scripts are written for Linux. Building on Windows is currently not supported. However, you can still look into package.json and change scripts to use Window's commands. Alternatively you can probably just use Docker or a virtual machine.

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run development

npm run start

Build production

npm run build:prod

Output is saved to dist/ folder in project's root directory. These are the files you will want to deploy.

Start production

cd dist
npm start

Reverse Proxy

It is recommended to set up a reverse proxy to serve static files and enable HTTPS.

Example Nginx configuration:

server {
    listen 80;
    listen 443 ssl;
    # Uncomment to override thumbnails location
    #location ~ ^\/files\/t(..)(.*)$ { 
    #    root /path/to/thumbnails;
    #    try_files /t$1/$1$2 =404;
    location ~ ^\/files\/(.)(..)(.*)$ {
        root /path/to/files; # hydrus's files location (eg: client_files folder inside hydrus's db folder)
        try_files /$1$2/$2$3 =404;
    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass https://localhost:3939/;