- openFrameworks addon for 0.9.8 - 0.10.1
- Simple ofThread wrapper for easier multi-threading.
The simplest example:
// anything you want to make parallel
ofSleepMillis(5000); // (ex) a task which takes time
ofLog() << "done! after 5 sec!";
ofLog() << "task started.";
// == logs ======
// [notice ] task started.
// [notice ] done! after 5 sec!
Another example with parameters:
for(int i=0; i<20; ++i){
ofxAsync::run([i](){ // <- capture variable i by copy
ofLog() << "thread No." << i;
// == logs ======
// [notice ] thread No.9
// [notice ] thread No.13
// [notice ] thread No.7
// [notice ] thread No.11
// ...
// [notice ] thread No.15
// [notice ] thread No.3
( NOTE: about the variable capture, please read this or other pages )
And more, ofThread*
can be used as an argument:
// Task cancelling example:
int thread_id = ofxAsync::run([&](ofThread* thread){
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i){
ofLog() << "processing " << (i+1) << " / 10";
// cancell tasks when not running
ofLog() << "task cancelled";
ofLog() << "done!";
ofLog() << "task started";
ofxAsync::stop(thread_id); // Cancel task after 3 seconds
// == logs ======
// [notice ] task started
// [notice ] processing 1 / 10
// [notice ] processing 2 / 10
// [notice ] processing 3 / 10
// [notice ] task cancelled